
And I’m sorry for being a witch on a broom yesterday. It was a long day of internet commenting. I brought it on myself, and it’s no excuse.

If you could read for yourself instead of asking POCs to do all the work for you all the damn time you would see that I made it clear that I did above — that’s why we are even having this conversation. But let me hold your hand through this, too.

Nope. As someone who attended the institution that formerly employed her, I have been displeased with her native narrative for like, a decade now.

I’m glad you don’t. The facts say otherwise.

You and Elizabeth Warren both.

I do. I’ll stop putting my race front and center when Hillary supporters stop acting like voting for a candidate who is actually responsive to the needs of the most vulnerable citizens isn’t an act of privilege.

“I mean, they wont do either of the two things HRC supporters are using to try to scare Bernie supporters into being #nevertrump folks, but there are other things . ..” OK.

Thanks for whitesplaining to me some more about how my life is going to be so much better under Hillary. It’s not. That’s the whole White HRC stans are too privileged to fathom while some of us might be willing to “burn the whole thing down.”

Thanks for this lesson in circular reasoning. But I’m good.

Nope. I was right. But thanks for continuing to whitesplain me good sir. How about you read some Eddie Glaude, gin up some empathy for those who are actually suffering, and get back to me about how Super predator private prison money Clinton is going to make everything better.

Yep. That sounds right. You have no idea what this is about flower child. Enjoy your tony white existence which will keep on keeping on no matter which of these nominees are elected. Belittle POCs unless their vote helps you to maintain white hegemony.

Ugh. I had to stop reading at your lecture about “real change” which no doubt is followed by a bunch of assuptions about what I’m actually doing to effect “real change” as well as by black or white thinking which suggests that a person can’t vote for top down change while working bottom up as well.

Sigh. Honestly, at this point I cant decide if I want Hillary to win so you can get exactly what you deserve, or if I want Trump should win so you can get exactly what you deserve. Either outcome is your fault. Either outcome is bad.

Yuk yuk yuk! Bernie supporters are all white am I right!? And they are all men! And Hillary suporters are a rainbow coallition of women and POCs! Just like the one that called me, a black woman, a cunt when I dared to articulate my support for a more liberal agenda!

Yes. You must know better probably middle class probably white person. (Probably male). You’re the real liberal. I forgot the POC opinion only mattered when it was used to race shame Bernie supporters into voting for Hillary. God forbid I think for myself and do what is best for my community in the long term.

Yeah. They really seemed in line when a major speaker declined to endorse Trump. I sit next to a major Republican doner at work and listen to him on the phone all day in a panic about what to do about Trump. Trust me, no one is happy about this.

Why would they obstruct him? Because they can’t control him? Because they don’t agree with him? Because he has to be constantly reminded what the republican platform is because he’s, you know, not really republican?

LOL. You think I noticed and remembered who you were. With an ego like that no wonder you love Hillary so much.

Thanks for your opinion which I’ve totally never heard before!

Actually, I’ll start in November with a vote for Jill Stein. But thanks!