
That’s 100% what you did you disingenuous waste of internet breath.

Actually, it’s more like complaining there’s not more diversity in Wuthering Heights, which arguably should always have been cast to feature someone with more moorish features as Heathcliff, but instead we get Ralph Fiennes.

No one is “losing their mind.” One person said “this looks great, could use some diversity but I can’t wait ot see it.” And a bunch of “OMG my whitness is being attacked” assholes jumped on that person with every convoluted excuse they could think of to protect their precious white fragility.

Even the choice to set the movie “from the viewpoint of the Brits in Europe” was a choice not a necessity. People keep choosing to make movies that are more likely to exclude POC and then claim that they couldn’t do it any differently because they just had to make the movie set in Finland. WWI was a global war. A plot

Oh my god this is embarssing for you. POC are as rare as pink elephants falling from the sky.

I would be humiliated if I wrote something as ignorant as what you have written. And that you’ve doubled down on your agument in the face of so much overwhelming proof and fallen back on pedantically correcting those who accidently said WWII instead of WWI? IT’s embarssing. Just stop. We get it. You like your history


Stop slut shaming Celine! She is magnificent!

And in fact there are several! But in typical self defeating fashion, Liberals are selling an “it could never work so you’re voting for Trump by voting your conscience” philosophy that will be self fulfilling.

I assume Cho means a “traditional heterosexual couple” that he most frequently saw growing up, not that all heterosexual couples only date within their own race.

I know we want to make fun of her because her husband’s political views, which she likely shares, are garbage. And that’s fine. But this is 100% a real issue —even if it’s not an important one.

I don’t waste time on obvious racists. The internet can help you. Cuz it’s beyond obvious. I sincerely hope you figure it out. But not expense of my time.

It’s entirely possible that of all of the black people that applied for the show, none of them had the write voice for Stephen’s jokes.

This comment of his is the only that that’s insulting: the presumption that hiring diverse writers would mean a drop off in quality.

I love the picutres of all the star trek captains together. He looks better than them all even though he’s the second one. The trick is looking 45 from ages 35 through 60.

His only issue is the part. It all needs to swoop en mass. And the fade could be a bit more gradual. It’s a bit intense in the second picture.

Acceptance is the hardest step :)


Surface tension works in glass of water. Not in a rollicking ocean. It can also keep you under as easily as it keeps you on top.

It’s a hair extension/ not washing hair every day thing. It’s good not to wash your hair often, and extensions and braided styles shouldn’t be over washed or they wont last as long. But toward the end your head does get itchy. Black women and other folks with curly, non greasy hair that doesn’t need to be washed as