
Maybe cuz that damn ant is obviously going to drown.

I pity you.

Warning: use while black at your own risk.

This is hillarious. Thank you.

Congratulations! You are really great. I’d say you’ll be missed, but I’ll just follow you over to the New Yorker. Stay black.

White people are out here GETTING IT. And it’s really heartening honestly. I don’t even want to make fun of it. I just want to accept it for what it is: an end to the gaslighting we’ve endured for 400 years. Between this and the governor of Minnesota, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about white people.

That is so unbelievably far from the point.

Keep feeling good about yourself voting for Hillary. Enjoy the delusional world in which voting for her and her ilk doesn’t mean sentencing the 40 million americans who live in poverty to generations of poverty because oh well that’s how capitalism works.

Hillary’s “version” differs from Bernie’s only insofar as it’s coming out of her mouth. Your hypocrisy is disgusting. Liberals are no better than anyone else. I will never identify as a democrat again.

Way to make things up. Her plan is cursory as fuck. No one “expected [Bernie’s plan] to be free of costs” except for rabid HRC fans who invented the narrative they wanted to hear to justify voting for a just left of center right war mongerer.

She 100% is NOT “saying a definite plan of implementation.” Your confirmation bais is astounding.

You are painfully and depressingly literal.

I hope all of you who are so excited about HRC’s “plan” for free college are as critical as you were of Bernie’s plan. Her’s is as unsupported and as much of a “pipe dream” as his was.

You can be a thinking human and recgnize that sometimes people do good things for bad, self interested reasons, and that even though you appreciate the benefit of the good thing, you can decline to give full credit to aperson with bad motives and criticize their hypocracy.


The former.

He is indeed. So is Obama. (So am I ;))

She can be 21. But the tech guy should be 25. Even Mark Zuckerberg is only 32, and he’s been a CEO billionaire for a decade.

The female lead is apparently 21. Franco is 38.

OH. Yeah, that will do it. Ben is a Leo but yeah. Leos at least mean well and are generally warm and gracious and generous. They perform with the purpose of being adored, so they care about what others think of them. They are loyal too, but their desire for adulation can lead them stray.