
Is he a Leo? Cuz I feel like all she is saying is "he's a leo."

WAIT. WUT!? How come non of the zillions of articles about this VF piece ever picked up on that!? That’s hilarious.

This is not what “good hair” means. Please stop writing articles like this. The term is hurtful and offensive enough without a bunch of white people running around using it as thought it just means someone with “nice hair.”

Well, there was that time a Hillary supporter physically assulted a woman because she liked Bernie .. . in fact, the only instance of physical violence anyone can actually point to.

Ageism is hilarious! Good think you’ll never be old!

As a donor, it doesn’t bother me. Much better use than campaign adds which convince Americans not to hope for basic first world rights like universal healthcare because it’s a “pipe dream.” Better than all those blatantly racist commericals she ran in 2008. Yeah, I haven’t forgotten.

I’m sorry: what gendered slurs did Bernie “hurl” again? One. Give me just one.

Better keep the person who got us into this mess purposfully and who personally benefits from staying in it than someone who isn’t as experienced (read machiavellian) but who has all the resources in the world at is disposal and actual good intentions.

This. 10000x over. Find me the HRC supporter who will actually discuss her record and I’ll pay them 1000 bucks. I suspect I’ll be keeping all my money.

Everyone has talked at length about the Iraq war.

And I’ve been white/mansplained by more HRC supporters than I can count. (Just read my comment history). The worst part is when HRC supporters try to race shame me, a “bernie bro” only to find out that I’m a black woman.

I’m sorry, what the fuck are you talking about?

Do I need to pull up the screen shot of a Hillary supporter calling me a cunt a few weeks ago? There are assholes in the world. As it turns out, most of one’s i’ve encountered supporter “her.”

Ok. Now you’re just really sad. Please leave me alone.

Stalker. lol. It’s kinda cute.

Kox. Obviously.

Edit: *not* 100% sold.

She has spent 20 years bragging about policies that have destroyed communities of color. And I’m supposed to be more offended by Trump’s words than her actual record?


If she picked Warren or someone similarly (relatively) progressive and uncompromising, I would consider, for a second, that she might have more integrity than I give her credit for. It would be the first time I’ve seen her do something that wasn’t politically expedient. It would hearten me.