
It was a french film that got remade into an American one. Something about “Starbuck” - it was the guys name.

I would, but my cell phone is low on charge.

UGH. Yours in the struggle my friend. Yours in the struggle.

Keaton needs a talk show. Stat.

Lol, what?

Just coming to continue my campaign for a seat at the table! Come on producers! Just let me try out!!

I need the red one.

You shoudn’t have a knee jerk response to this just because it sounds campy and potentially insensitive. There was, and continues to be, cultural barrowing between blacks and Asians that help both negotiate our outsider status in America. Particurally in the 70s, Bruce Lee was adored by blacks in particular because of

The “4 judges in 2 years” comment suggests that something unorthadox was going on. I don’t know anyone who had half year Article III clerkships. But I don’t really know how mag clerkships work, so *kanye shrug.*

Person is glib and judgmental in the internet. Other commenter uses example to illustrate how that glib indifferent stance ignores how people could genuinely be affected by the policy about which person was glib and judgmental. Person claims they were just being sarcastic.

You’re right. If, god forbid, a loved one of mine is gunned down in a terrible terrorist attack, I’m a whiney brat for wanting to get his “I love you mom” text in real time.

If only it were limited to conlaw classes. #lesigh

God this is depressing. I hope this is a good lesson to everyone reading how little trust we should have in the legal system.

Cool story. I did a federal district court clerkship too. You ain’t special.

The chart I posted is nowhere near actual representation. I agree that hispanics are extremely underrepresented. Part of that might have to do with issues counting hispanics because “hispanic” isn’t a race, and many of them are probably included as blacks (e.g. Gina Torres or Zoe Saldana) while others are included as


Dumb racist still a dumb racist. Nothing to see here folks.

This person is literally the dumbest person on the internet. And that’s a tough competition.

Me either! And yet white people keep getting all the roles! Too bad people’s racism is trumping talent and all these talented actors of color are struggling to get roles!

1) 17% is LESS THAN HALF of the number of minorites in America. On what planet is that “fairly well within line?”