
My GF died of a gioblastoma in 2016.

14 weeks from diagnosis to her funeral

You say Treason.

I say Sedition.

Those who are showboating with rhetoric against the current government need to be vary careful of the ground on which they tread.........

Little known is that Italy not only had nukes, but the US gave them a half-dozen Polaris missiles in surface-launch canisters mounted on two Italian heavy cruisers along with the launch keys.

Germany was all set to go down that same path but were making a pretty good sized stink about being able to develop their own

Y’all know that this is fiction, seriously contrived fiction at that.

Heinleins world of Nehemiah Scudder is a lot more frightening, and the prior art behind this as well.

Point of order.....

Here’s a project for Gizmodo:

Go back to the beginning of Theranos and document, in one article, all of the people, scientists, politicians, etc who endorsed the company and it’s notional technology. Include quotes.

There were plenty of us who were trying to bring sanity to the discussions, but we were shouted down by

As much as I love PKD, it’s way past time for Amazon or Netflix to tackle some John Brunner.........

Stop bench marking against the entry-model Korean cars and start bench marking against world-class mass market cars. And fire the team responsible for choosing to use the el-cheapo Korean cars as design bench marks in the first place.

What do people think of the various routers (tp-link safe-stream, etc) that claim to manage VPN connection?

What do people think of the various routers (tp-link safe-stream, etc) that claim to manage VPN connection?

I take Zolmitripan (Zomig), should I volunteer for something here?

You mean the same EuroFighters that carry no effective armament?

I’m sure that is making someone quake in their boots, most likely the pilots who have to fly them into harms way.

There is a reason why a specific acceleration direction is called ‘eyeballs-out’.

Glad to see he had welders goggles on to catch them, just in case......

It’s one thing to engage an MBT with a .50 cal (12.5 mm).

It’s another thing to ‘succeed’. And survive.

And never forget that HRs job is to protect the company, not to work on your behalf.

A quick glance at shows me all kinds of laptops in the $550- range. Including a low-end HP 17" with an i3, 8 Gb, 1 Tb disc for about $400-

You’ve got to really want a Chromebook to spend this much $$ on one.

So what’s the time rule for transitioning a relationship from casual to close to lovey-dovey without becoming the creeper?

It’s been done a number of times. See the relationship between the cops in Gattica.

on-going evolution of the Star Child from 2001?

Finally, Red/Blue/Green Mars will hit the screens.

I figure it will take 10 movies over 20 years to get it done.

Only half-kidding..........

And another one from Twitter yesterday