To a certain extent, isn’t the POTUS in charge of what gets deemed classified vs. not? In that context, he didn’t do anything illegal, just something merely stupid and damaging that further speaks to his incompetence?
To a certain extent, isn’t the POTUS in charge of what gets deemed classified vs. not? In that context, he didn’t do anything illegal, just something merely stupid and damaging that further speaks to his incompetence?
Remember when Jalopnik only had car shit on its homepage, not some article by a fucking goon with a name synonymous with what you would think is a shitty wannabe Atlanta rapper?
Stop bench marking against the entry-model Korean cars and start bench marking against world-class mass market cars. And fire the team responsible for choosing to use the el-cheapo Korean cars as design bench marks in the first place.
Um, no. This young man goes to a prestigious, $34,000/year high school, probably has excellent grades, gave a TEDxTalk, founded TWO youth organizations, worked for both Martin O’Malley’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and got invited to a dinner at the White House. I’m not saying this as an insult to…
I will quietly voice my support. While I agree cars need to be safe, I know there will be no half measure like you speak of. Here in MA, I’ve watched inspections grow from simple safety, through emissions and dyno tests up to California emissions. Once the local muckety mucks get a taste of the sweet expired sticker…
Thanks for the warning. Can we move on now? Some of us didn’t like either of the candidates and just want this nightmarish election cycle to end. We get it, Trump is “literally Hitler” and a real poopy head, but you know what? I heard practically the same kinds of things from conservatives when Obama was elected.…
How none of them thought to address this in the actual settlement document is beyond me
Everyone has a right to an opinion, but this does not change your employment status for those who are full time.
I’m guessing that, once all teams have a billion dollar stadium and billion dollar practice facility, the next logical step will be to have taxpayer funded mansions built for all of the players.
Or, you know, just eat vegetables that taste better.
Better tip? Ditch kale and go for Swiss chard instead. All the healthy attributes but you don’t have to give it a deep-tissue rubdown to make it taste good. The hype is all a conspiracy by BIG KALE to trap you into eating a shabby green.
But a 9mm kills, a .45ACP additionally takes their soul.
Or you could just buy a ten year old Range Rover and learn all of this on your own.
I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.…
They’re probably using the ODBII port and diagnostic/troubleshooting software, possibly pirated from a service department. This almost certainly has absolutely nothing to do with the UConnect vulnerability you mentioned. I understand that how the video is cut makes it look like they’re exploiting the infotainment…
10th Ann. Update is a service pack, so yeah it ought to be free. But Microsoft is literally the last company on Earth that still charges money for their OS. Which is because their business model demands it. But it’s business model they created in the late 70s, and a few things have changed since then I think. Three…
His overall point being that electric cars aren’t pulling a sustainable profit. All the electric cars you’ve mentioned are loss leaders with heavy subsidies. All the manufacturers are developing electric cars because it’s the most cost effective way to improve their figures. If they happen to sell well, that’s just…
Many routers will let you set the DNS servers via their control panel. The advantage of this is that it sets the default DNS servers for every computer in your household. On Netgear routers I've used since 2006 I've always found this option under 'Basic Settings'. I've taken a screenshot of mine in case anybody…