
I spent much of the mid-late 1980s tear-assing around (west) Germany and France in a 1st-gen Euro-spec 1.6i CRx. Thing weighed less than a metric tonne wet and would cruise easily at 180kph (1000 rpm below redline in 5th) and top out at 220.

And yes, 180kph was pretty common, this was still the pre-Trabant-era with

Jeez you guys...

Look up the Raytheon Excalbur round, espec the upcoming N5 naval variant. I would be really surprised if Raytheon (and BAE) hadn’t anticipated the pricing problem with the LockMart rocket assisted round and have been making behind the scenes plans to uprate the 5" Excalibur N5 Naval round to the

So much for data center tours.........

Sheesh, does anyone really thing that GoGo won’t close these holes as soon as they can?

Isn’t ‘dumb tweets’ a bit redundant?

Andromeda? Better get the Wildfire lab activated............

Why is it PDs in Virginia and Maryland, once bastions of the original Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, always seem to be coming down on the wrong side of citizen rights.

Unless the bill can be amended to mandate the death penalty for using PowerPoint as a management tool or going through endless paper studies without bending metal, forming carbon fiber, and flying vehicles, I’m not at all optimistic.

Anyone remember NASP or X-33/VentureStar? Just let Lockheed or Boeing sniff around

Soooo, has anyone documented exactly what S has done to ‘fix’ the phone? Only firmware, new battery, changed internal charging hardware??

And what is the expected battery life or raw mah rating of the new-improved phones?

See the multiple extreme weather testing facilities located in Baudette and Bemidji, Minnesota.

Plenty of rain and snow & a huge yearly temp swing (-40 to +100) makes for some interesting testing.....

Trigger Warning! Trigger Warning, all SJW to their safe spaces now!

Seems to me that Madeleine Albright said a very similar thing about the US Army and Air Force in Yugoslavia and beyond forever altering the geopolitical landscape there.

Still hoping for Dexpot-like desktop management features on Win10. Either that, or the Dexpot crew gets their management tool updated to handle how Win10 manages virtual spaces.......

Are complete ISOs for the anniversary update edition available yet?

I miss the Autobahn.

At least the 1980s pre-Trabant Autobahn of mostly unlimited speeds and minimal traffic. Loved running my euro-spec 1.6 CRX flat to the floor for hours on the Nuremburg-Munich run.......... Nothing like living your life at 205kph in a car weighing less than a metric ton wet.

VueScan Mobile for both iOS and Android. Not only does it use the camera in your tablet/phone, it physically hooks up to a couple of hundred physical scanners including being able to run the ADF. Miles ahead of anything else.

If anyone wants to try this for themselves, there are addons and situational pre-sets for X-Plane that get close. It’s bloody scary how good the thing can be.

Well, if you make a not-unreasonable assumption that the Lexus driver was texting, a quick scan of local cell tower records at the time of the ‘event’ +- 2 minutes will narrow things down significantly.

Tie the resulting cell phone records to names and owners of the model of the Lexus in question, and start from there.


“This will be the most transparent administration in history.”

I seem to recall one or another recent President saying that, over and over again.........

Does it make it any easier to start deleting ones facebook history?