
Trump then went on to say that he would be starting a new tradition by holding a State of the Union address every year, something his predecessors never did, and is not even required anywhere in the Constitution. Because he cares that much that we know all about the hard work he’s doing in office.

I can’t be the only one thinking it.

I thought the book was about flowers?

Romulans might not be too happy we broke the Treaty of Algeron.

And also look at the Nazis. They may have started one of the most deadly conflicts of all time and murdered millions in the gas chambers but can we not just admit their fashion sense was on point?

This is incorrect.

I thought the correct terminology was “purrito.”

I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.

Republicans responses to Trump’s actions over the last year:

I’m sorry, but has the government (TRUMP) just had a brain fart? Religion in government? Military arming of the Police? When did the Constitution go out the window? Is this even the United States or are we calling the Militant States of Christian America?

My mother used to broker their insurance. Said they were not nice people. Actually, she said they were NOT nice people, emphasis hers.

I’m probably a terrible fucking person but I am having a real hard time summoning forth any sympathy for a portion of the people effected by this hurricane. The undocumented immigrants fleeing from the storm that are still being arrested by ICE? Yeah, I feel bad for them. The sick, the poor, the children? I feel bad

He should have went with “sticks”, as his number is 11 and he clearly has a third one up his ass.

...I always find the host and give a quick thanks

This wouldn’t work for me. When arriving and departing, I always find the host and give a quick thanks, especially if it’s at their home. Maybe this is good for a work mixer or a wedding reception after the bridge and groom have made their rounds.

More like the Union compromised with the Confederacy, seeing what all went down in the years after the war ended.

I was watching MSNBC right before he came out, and one of the reporters said something to the effect that he was likely running over his scheduled start time because they were really trying to drill into him what he was going to say.

“Here. Read this. Read ONLY THIS. ONLY THIS. READ. ONLY. THIS.”

When you literally have to beg your president to denounce white supremacy, when your silence is so bad you’ve got conservative Republicans saying “Nah, bruh.”’re doing presidenting wrong.

This is getting more difficult.