
This is actually great since I replaced my pussy with an ATM slot years ago. It's super convenient. Oooh grrrl, my insurance wouldn't cover that. The best I could do was a coin slot in the side that accepts Canadian quarters only. But you make do with what you got.

Chelsea Handler has just revealed this gossipy tidbit, which is as juicy as a perfectly cooked turkey: Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux spent this past Thanksgiving—their first as a couple—at Chelsea's house. Well, la dee da

I like Bethenny, but I don't know if a one woman talk show is going to be the best outlet for her. I feel like to pilot one of these talk leviathans, you have to be able to listen as well, and Bethenny, as much as I love her, is truly in love with the sound of her voice. If she could riff off a co-host inserting

I kind of have to lol at the fact that they keep referring to her as adopted. Reminds me of the Royal Tenenbaums.

Definitely one of these moments where you thought it would be bigger than it was. I think at this point that the GOP is held to a much lower moral standard than Democrats. The might be held to a lower standard than death row inmates at this point. It's such a strange dynamic, that they can spew all of this morally

The situation is a clueless rube. How can you consistently alienate your cast members, start drama, be an obnoxious douche bag and then expect people to celebrate your birth like you're the christ child. His own family (or fambully if we're going for the Jersey pronunciation) didn't come out for his birthday. Don't

I think there's going to be a lot with her later on in the season regarding her relationship w. her boyfriend and some turbulence there. At least that's what the transparent promo editing seems to hint at.

Harris-Perry just landed a deal to host her own show on MSNBC, beginning in February; her program will be the only politically-themed show hosted by an African-American woman on a cable news network.

Oh Hellooo Kitty!

That Michelle Bachman quote is really more Anti-Muslim rhetoric than anything else, but at any rate if you listen to the entire thing, she still comes off as a totally racist isolationist asshole who devalues anything that deviates from her perfect june cleaver white washed view of UhMurica!

i know, right? I resemble that remark.

I don't understand why the interviewer had to preserve all the likes in that girl's quote, it makes it really difficult to understand.

Right but since corporations are people, this particular person happens to support those causes, with oodles of cash and pickle covered chicken breast.

The new Star Trek movie is really being generous with the hot. B-Cum, who i adore, is lovely, as are Pine Quinto and Urban, obviously. But can we please have a moment of appreciation for this:


I don't know if it's worthwhile for everyone, but at the very least it was worthwhile for me. Before Colbert started lampooning the political process, I really had no clue regarding any of the financial sleights of hand and the sheer ludicrousness of the process. But I know it now, and If I have kids I can teach

Sigh, if you'd ever watched any (highly scientific) Anime program, you'd know that tentacles are the best tool for satisfying a woman.

Oh very true. Although I was under the impression that in the rap lexicon a "Trick" was slightly more respectable than a bitch because it refers to a primarily monetary relationship. I doubt people will get into the nuances of it though.

4. Add me to the list of people who will be filing this Michael Fassbender fawning in her mental Rolodex to pull out the next time I hear people decry a Black male celebrity for beating women

I don't know about stupidity, that's a little harsh, but a lot of men I know, suffer from varying degrees of self-centeredness, and I think that's what's going on with Jay-Z. To be fair, ALL of us suffer from varying degrees of self-centeredness, but this particular type of self-centeredness is, in my opinion a little