
Thats a really bold move by Jay-Z. There are a lot of things that rhyme with bitches.

Well there goes my productivity for the day! unf...Nathan and George... yum.

Thanks for the info! that seems to fit the ticket.

Having Gargantua and Pantagruel sized feet, I've never tried zappos. Do they sell wide width shoes and shoes over size 9?

Can someone create an awards show specifically to give Tina Fey the recognition she deserves for that photo bomb? Could we call it the prankies and have George Clooney host ?

God, besides him being a compassionless automaton, he's also just a really REALLY bad politician, or a politician who hires really terrible PR people. The awfulness of this is kind of incredible.

It seems like all you'd get with a corner kiss is, I don't know, crumbs? That little glaze of maple syrup that never goes away when you eat pancakes for breakfast? Ew (and maybe a little bit yum).

Wow... I guess those stories about he and Jennifer Anniston doing nothing but smoking weed all day every day were true.... because that is the stoniest stoner laugh EVER.

Look, It's never ever going to be my cup of tea, and I'm always going to have a problem understanding why anyone, male or female, would want ejaculate all over their face, in their hair etc. This seems like a valiant attempt to sort of put a pomo spin on facials, but this right here seems incomprehensible:

It would be lovely if that were the case, but these beauty pageants aim for a very generic and frankly boring standard of "all -american" beauty. Smart and interesting is not part of the package, they're looking for the antiquated 50s type of woman who aspires to marry a future politician, or run a moderately

Us reports he's looking "somber" and "frail" post-divorce-announcement,

GAH! gross. Guess "shade of the evening" is out of the question too then. But how will I ever reach altered states of consciousness?

Damnit Jim I'm giant ball of adorable, not a doctor!

Bet the DARE program never thought to tell kids about this crazy isht.

Broca's Aphasia has a "sister" disorder, Wernecke's aphasia, in which the speech is preserved, that is, the person speaks with normal syntax, grammar and accenture, but they have lost the ability to understand written and spoken language. It's like everyone around them is speaking/ writing gibberish.

yes referencing this article:

She'd be a disaster to Tebow's athletic performance.... cause if I was married to Ms. Perry, I'm pretty sure everything else would suffer.

Why can't a Christian group pray that some sense gets knocked into these idiots instead of trying to shut down a gay - friendly business. Mystic energies are being severely misapplied.

I'm just taking comfort in the fact that this is one murderer who won't be pardoned by Barbour.

What has Massachusetts given us? I don't know, maybe