
I'm just glad there is at least one McDonald's commercial out there that doesn't make use of a funky soul rhythm and more - ahem - urban actors. Ba da ba ba ba !!!

ugh, image link failed, I was referring to the whites only pool chick.

oh good, maybe he'll be playing the part of this bitch:

LOL, if Michelle Bachmann doesn't follow the laws of common sense why would she follow the laws of physics?

The scruffy lumpkin look is not an occasional one for Mr. Jolie. His default is homeless chic, and I've always disliked it.

People act stupid all the time, so you'll get a lot of mileage out of it!

As someone who learned about sex from actual porn, I think this approach is something to be applauded. Cause let me tell ya, learning it from the spice channel, is definitely not a good thing.

I'm not even reading the article. I saw a picture of Adam Scott and I was SOLD. I loved that man even when he was playing that dick Palek in Tell Me You Love Me.

Heifer please. You know damn well black people don't get their hair wet when they go in the pool precisely because we have so much product in our hair. We either cover up with a swim cap or practice the ancient art of keeping your weave/fro/ locs/ etc out of the damn water and glaring daggers at anyone who even

So I guess this gets put solidly in the "or die" category?

What a catch 22 for the FLOTUS. On the one hand, she should protest the stereotype of being the angry black woman, because that doesn't help anyone, but on the other hand, she is in a position of such scrutiny that doing so won't put her above the fray. Anything slightly contrary or challenging immediately gets

Theoretically, this is a LOT of beautiful people together in one room, except Brad Pitt is sporting his super hipster elite uniform and it is gross. Please Brad, please, cut your hair. It's admirable to support numerous charitable causes. It is also admirable to groom yourself.

I don't know, if you start requiring sentience and intelligence as prerequisites for winning the award, you really gut the field, no?

I'm kind of really upset with simon pegg because he's going to make me see a mission impossible movie. But he's the exception, Simon Pegg is to my Movie choice what Christina Hendricks is to my heterosexuality...they make everything negotiable.

Callum Kieth Rennie is in a stratosphere all his own, I bought the BSG series solely to rewatch him be crazy cakes Leoben over and over. He is pretty freaking awesome. I feel like Karl Urban is trying to be that guy too..but just keeps chosing awful awful roles and movies. We'll see how he does with dredd.

The "Fake it till you make it" Approach is severely underrated. I am sure that you could throw a stone and hit about a million psych journals that will back up everything you've just said with statistical evidence.

Celebrity death match time, Honey Guide vs. Honey Badger. Two Species enter, One species leave!

Or we could have Jaden Smith convince Keanu Reeves to stop the things from replicating and save us all... I'll miss the whole electricity thing, but such are the prices we pay.

I didn't think I could love him anymore than I did...and then I learned that. damn that's awesome.

Whew. If the Real World contract is this draconian and restrictive, the Jersey shore contract must basically be like solving that little puzzle box in hell raiser. But on a positive note, I think that mike the "situation" Sorrentino would make an excellent pinhead.