Well if your pizza and your progress are interrelated.... good freaking luck. Looks like progress will be mired in an labyrinthine miasma of sauce and cheese... ;)
Well if your pizza and your progress are interrelated.... good freaking luck. Looks like progress will be mired in an labyrinthine miasma of sauce and cheese... ;)
Yes yes, and then he saved the earth from a Romulan attack. Yawn. It's all been done before.
I think all three of these kids are going to be just fine, whether they decide to continue pursuing acting or not. I'm always really impressed by how grounded and earnest those three seem in interviews and behind the scenes features. Radcliffe seems to have a real passion for acting, esp. the stage, Grint seems like…
Oh that poor kid... don't worry little Jan- Jan, Angelina Jolie will come for you soon...though that might be, perhaps, a cause for more tears...
i just... God I hate doing this, but Corgi's are like the dog equivalent of Danny Devito, or Martin from the Simpsons. I lost all hope for the dog side once Mutt, Snoopy and Dachshund were out of the picture. So congrats, I guess, tuxedo cat. you're officially the lesser of two evils.
I really have to applaud her for not falling into the circus freak route. I wouldn't say that she looks natural, she has that same plasticky stiff countenance that most recipients of plastic surgery have, but it looks like she's been very subtle in her surgeries and hasn't turned her face into a caricature of…
Ladies and gentleman, the new leader of the Republic of Gilead. You can just call me Ofdon.
So... it feels like a lot of people are ignoring the fact that this was on her blog before it was on Jezebel, and I'd wager it was probably following the Oscars. Thus it was timely and relevant since everyone was talking about James Franco, Ms. Wong offered up her one Franco anecdote. She's giving her opinion on…
@questingbeast: i have sampled the McLobster, or as the Quebecoise call it the McHomard. It's basically your run of the mill lobster roll...but gross.
She went to a catholic school, as did I. Catholic school girls are having sex at like 14, 15 etc etc. Among her group of friends it probably WAS very late.
If anything most of these just make the girlfriend look like an asshole, and homophobic to boot...