What you shouldn’t do is spend a year waiting for your dream job while doing nothing at all to make yourself an attractive prospective employee.
I think that very few employers will hold it against you if you are taking a job in order to pay your rent/ make ends meet. But I have to wonder what your job search process has been like. If you've been limiting yourself primarily to replying to online posts, you're doing yourself a major disservice. I don't know…
A good interviewee shouldn't have to ask you all these questions. The only one of these suggestions that actually involves the boss or the hiring manager is asking to meet with other members of the team, and asking about the prior history of the position. When a manager says in the interview "do you have any…
What she was doing reminded me very much of the way a high school or middle school music teacher would conduct a recorder orchestra.... but with less keeping time and counting.
It's really not the hovering that is the problem. I hover all the time, I was taught to hover by my mother, and it's ingrained in me because I have never seen a look of such terror and disgust as the first time i tried to sit in a public restroom in her presence. Shook me to my core. The issue is not the hovering,…
Is it me or does she look like a less sharp-chinned version of Reese Witherspoon in that last picture?
It's not an assumption, it's a hunch, based on conversations I've had w. my girlfriends though I should be more specific and own up to the fact that when I said minorities I meant black women. I don't think my hunch is wrong but, like i said, got nothing to back it up.
I think the etymology of the asterisk is due in part to boolian search terminology. When you place the asterisk after a word, you are essentially directing a search engine to preserve the first part of the word and retrieve results with anything appended to the first part of the word, so by placing the asterisk after…
One word: Authenticity. I have a pretty low threshold for what makes me enjoy porn, and that is if the people acting in it are actually enjoying sex. But I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a truly aroused woman in mainstream porn, and still have enough fingers left over to play a piece of piano…
Is French actually in danger of potentially becoming extinct? I would have thought Quebec alone would have ensured that that would never happen...
Ok, see I thought I was the only one!
I think the "joke" is that he says "we're against circumcision being forced on people without their consent," But most circumcisions occur without the circumcisees (is that a word?) consent. So if most circumcisions occur without consent, and you are against those kinds of circumcisions...then you are against…
Excellently said!
We don't have to wait AT ALL:
My only beef (curtain) with this study (http://newviewcampaign.org/userfiles/file/BJOG%2005-normal-genitalia.pdf) is that the sample, as is often the case with most medical and psychological studies, is predominantly white, and I'm wondering if a more diverse study would have yielded different results. I only have…
I just read the article...and though this has nothing to do with Lindsay Lohan...I think this idea of Deen's is inspired:
I had thought of these ads as being very clever and funny, but I can see how they reinforce entrenched gender roles. That being said, and I hate to be the asshole that says it, the responsibility of the ad agency is to advertise. This comment is going to show that I know nothing about advertising and can only make…
The thumbnail provides the appropriate hem for that dress.