Do want, so bad.
Do want, so bad.
"Enthusiasts" does not have an apostrophe, unless it's denoting ownership of some sort, i.e., "The enthustiast's choice"
Spot on, sir.
This will be great for me when I turn 26 and can no longer be on my parents' health insurance. Fucking aye.
It sounds stupid but I use three passwords for everything I'm connected to. It helps that they're all essentially random combinations of letters, numbers, and punctuation(where allowed).
I guess I should rephrase and say that trance is ruining EDM. I don't care how much influence trance has had on it, but most trance just sounds like utter garbage made for Ed Hardy-wearing guidos with a penchant for spray tanning and expensive vodka. It leaves a really bad taste in my mouth to associate trance with…
Sorry kiddo but if you want CLASSIC EDM, like legitimately classic, try Daft Punk and get back to me. They've been active for longer than Tiesto or Darude. Beyond that? Kraftwerk essentially PIONEERED the medium.
I feel the same way about Tiesto that I feel about Darude. :I They're both too vanilla and boring.
No Coolbear? I am disappoint.
Tiesto sucks and he's ruining EDM.
GoLauncher does not skin the entire phone as it is solely a *launcher*. I can still use Go/ADW/whatever on a phone running Sense/TW/Blur but it will not skin the notifications, lockscreen, or submenus. GoLauncher can be used with anything, be it stock android or otherwise.
I really didn't like Sense. I'm too much of a power user to deal with having skins. I didn't even have my EVO 4G for a week before I dumped the stock OS in favor of Cyanogen. I use GoLauncher Pro with the ABlack theme. My clock widget is Clockr.
Doesn't get much uglier than this.
Nickelback is even bad in parody. I didn't make it too far into the video before my ears started bleeding into my sinus cavity.
You tried.
I like to use a combination of Malwarebytes and AVG. MSE is pretty worthless, Norton is itself a virus, and if you even bother with anything else you're wasting resources.
It's got kind of the same lines as the Panamera. Or a Crosstour.
sarcasm score 2/10. too obvious.