Because when the NHTSA got hold of a TVR Sagaris for safety testing, they found a live hand grenade wired to the emergency brake.
Because when the NHTSA got hold of a TVR Sagaris for safety testing, they found a live hand grenade wired to the emergency brake.
Every car I’ve ever owned has had reverse where it belongs: between P and N. You can keep your Flintstones cars.
Some of you jamokes just can’t resist the siren song of those screechy tires, huh? Haven’t you seen enough YouTubes…
It was less weird before the media convinced everyone that their children will be abducted and sexually abused if they are left alone for more than 30 seconds.
You say you get it; your post makes it obvious you don’t.
This is terrible. Just reaching the prime of life and to have it snuffed out in an instant, I can’t even fathom that. Also, the teenager dying is sad as well.
I have so many angry words I wish to slap you in the face with.
Hardest thing I ever did was sell my first car, a turbocharged Plymouth Sundance Duster that ran 12s in the quarter and took first place at a bunch of car shows. The person I was married to at the time made me sell it, and then she cleaned out her closets and disappeared a month later.
I cried about that car leaving,…
White privilege
I’m gonna throw this one out there: Self driving cars will single-handedly improve quality of life for actual drivers. We should really pay attention to them and await their adoption with bated breath.
BREAKING: Internet Commenter Annoyed That Car News Site Writes About Car News
I know. It’s so strange that one of the biggest car sites in the world is covering the rebuild of the biggest car show in the world after the world’s biggest car journalist was fired from it.
...a culture that infuriates me? You mean that same culture I have spent years learning about, immersed in, adapting to, and being molded by? That culture? The one that is so much a part of my identity and sociocultural context that I’ve chosen to take on Japanese nationality and live here for the rest of my life.
I for one look forwards to this being very good or a really enjoyable train wreck to watch until The Grand Tour premiers.
This is why I love April 1st: The one day of the year everything on the Internet is treated with the doubt the other 364 days deserve.
Trump rally. Redundant.
They could have saved themselves a bunch of money and bought Jalapnik from Gawker for pennies on the dollar at the fire sale when Denton and Gawker have to pay Hulk Hogan's penis its millions.
This is doublespeak, and you aren’t forced to buy into this new definition - the definition that’s in the dictionary is still valid, more valid, I’d say, since it’s been the actual official definition for centuries as opposed to months. Don’t be so easily swayed by weird, word-changing agendas.
Saying the word is racist does not make it an objective fact. Studying and giving links to reputable sources showing the origin of the word does.…