This shirt was created to celebrate my achievement.
This shirt was created to celebrate my achievement.
What about punching bears in the face? Because I've done that, too. Hippie.
I detest most adults that feel the need to classify themselves as anything more than a fan of metal music. Being a fan of metal? That's cool. Being a "metalhead"? That's queer territory.
+1 for getting the point.
I just get really mad when fat, ugly misogynists blame feminism for all of their problems. It's like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh had a three-way with Bill O'Reilly and birthed something unspeakably horrifying.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
Apples and oranges. When was the last time you caught a Dr. Who or Blues Brothers reference in Dora the Explorer? The show was made specifically so parents could enjoy it with their children.
Hi there. I work for the forestry service. Specifically, I cut down trees for a living. I have a full, lush beard. I've inadvertently ingested nearly every fluid that comes out of various automobiles. I smoke heavily, drink straight liquor, and swear like a sailor on shore leave.
Ugh what a bag of shit. Terrible choice of truck, too.
I know this feel all too well. I'm 23 and making payments on my mk3 GTI. :C
I had to.
I only had enough to give $6.50.
I wanna be the machine.
Where's the massive wing?
But considering Mercury's diminutive size (only about 30% larger than our Moon) it's pretty significant.
I can't wait until this car comes out. Not because I'm excited for it - I really don't like 'Vettes - I'm just sick of hearing about it.
If you're going to do it, do it the right way. My plans:
This is really not very impressive. It actually looks kind of terrible.
I don't lump people that I don't know into groups of people I dislike.