Bit Crusher

This this this this this this this.

When I sold my last car, I only posted one picture, and I wrote a story about it. No, not one of those "best-of-craigslist" stories about how much dicking you'll be doing in the backseat if you buy it.

I love the parts of NY that aren't Manhattan.

some text

I can't defend this kind of shit, but where the hell else are they going to be able to do it? Where is this kind of shit allowed? You can't say "take it to the track" because I guaran-fucking-tee the track marshals would never allow it.

Drifting has never been so awesome.

You PAY for music?

The bumperless one looks an awful lot like an FC3S until it turns around and you see its ass.

I like Highland Park meself. :D

I like the funky looks of the Amigo. I have a buddy who owned an early '90s Rodeo and it was a damn good vehicle. Just seeing this ad makes me kind of want an Amigo now.

The butthurt is strong with this one.

This was literally the only good part of Phantom Menace.

>mfw everyone in the comments section is complaining about a video in which a car ramps a motherfucking corkscrew and lands without incident, perhaps the coolest car stunt fucking EVER

Decent scotch. Have you tried Glenlivet?

My girlfriend and I just had a good laugh. We love this song. XD


"Bavarian donut factory" made me lol.

I move that we make Connor's Day a national holiday. All in favor?

You know, I was sitting outside my work the other day and one drove by through the parking lot.

It's very much possible to hate someone of a different race without being even remotely racist. I like Obama. He's a stand-up guy that I'd like to have a beer with. Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor. I want him to narrate my life. Samuel L Jackson is a bad-ass motherfucker. Hell, even Oprah I don't have a problem