
If Raineyb wants to undermine racism, she should stop being racist. There’s a start.

Her twitter bio makes it clear that she is racist and discriminates against white people.

Sorry. You dont dictate what I do or say.

A tall, charming, handsome, muscular NFL player with dark chocolately skin preferred white women because black women seem to thrive on drama. Deal with it

I’m a BLM supporter, a feminist, an LGBT member. I’m not the person you need to be leaping at.

You’re right. WoC can’t be racist. They can be “reverse-racist.”

Ues. I have experienced racism at the hands of black and latino women my whole life.

Do you know what a racist is? Are you one? I think so.

I can definitely see that your singular dating experience shaped your overall opinion of an entire race of women. :/

Fuck you. I cant suck every races dick and be a racist

La cienega

Your screen name reminds me of Norms on fairfax or la brea. Somebody called me a shiksa there. They didnt know I knew ‘shiksa’ translates as ‘dirty animal’.

My bad. I was called a troll on here and responded to many comments today. I hope you jave an excellent Tuesday.

Idk. I am a stroke survivor with ADHD who smokes weed. I dont feel like dissecting it.

I do not see color. Unless its a black woman giving me the evil eye in the club because she thinks my man should be with her. Then, I see BLACK.

I sued my racist neighbor who was the queen of the black racists and I have other plans I cant confirm. Does that answer your question?

Haha i need therapy because somebody else was racist to me?

I am saying what I originally said:

Started for making me laugh.

I have met Chris Brown. I lived in his neighborhood. Let me just say...