
The artist Alec Monopoly does this. He wears a top hat & a bandanna over his face because he is an illegal street artist / tagger. I do the same thing but I grow weed so... it makes more sense for me.

White women dont need to put an asterisk on shit. Most people on the planet are multiracial anyway so all this focus on white women is just pure racism. NAACP hired a white woman because she had dark curly hair. Who is racist now?

We totally expected Trump to clean house; every POTUS does it

Trump et al have a plan: seal the borders & prevent further victims of illegal migrants, criminal aliens or bad hombres. There is no time for dissenting opinions. Thats why Sally Yates was given a chance. However, when she proved disloyal to the goal of the Republic, she was dismissed. Only took her ten days to get

Funny thing is, The Clinton Foundation is the ultimate quid pro quo & nobody investigates THAT.

Women can run for President. The UK has elected two female prime ministers in my lifetime. Hillary is a scandalous criminal cuckold. Democrats need to try alot harder than THAT.

Trump will get 8 years. After that, wishing luck to Liberal agenda.

Since women comprise 51% of the birth rate, the average American IS a woman. Since 53% of white women voted for Trump, the average white woman must want immigration reform, sealed borders and an end to crime-ridden ‘sanctuary cities.’ Since “white” people are still the majority in this country, I think America is

Resistance is futile.

Horrifying? I think Mews is supposed to be a little more objective than that. Is this Fake News?

The End is Nigh!

Tesla called it. He said one day everyone would have devices to communicate over long distances and they would keep them in their pockets.

Imprison journalists, key step in the dictators handbook.


If you donate $60k to a PAC that supports a candidate I abhor, I have the right to incite others to boycott and financially hurt a company that you own along with other people?

Chelsea Handler took a swipe at Melania Trump saying she wouldn’t interview the First Lady because “she can barely speak English.”

She called me a racist so that tells me that she is the racist. I’m definitely not racist

Do you honestly think none of those things has ever happened to me?

It is a shame that we as a nation have decided that shaming and boycotting people/companies over political beliefs has become the norm.

If I date a Black man and a Black woman gives me the stink eye, which of the three is THE RACIST?