
“He fell” Fucking cops. They really do think they can get away with telling us black is fucking white.

So they took him off, bloodied and just left him to wander back on the plane? I guess they enjoy the physical abuse part of the job so much they forget about doing the boring follow through and guarding the jetway. They just walk over to the bar and have a beer and celebrate?

“when he fell”. you spelled dragged into the aisle and dumped against an armrest wrong.

Government bailouts.

I want someone to diagram those sentences. The passenger was irate. The passenger yelled. The passenger’s head struck an armrest. It’s almost as if the cops weren’t even there, and everything just happened spontaneously.

“He fell.”

You know, in hindsight, I suppose this is exactly what we ought to expect when we combine United’s utter, abject contempt for it’s passengers with the Chicago Police’s utter, abject contempt for it’s citizens.

I’m guessing he Benny Hilled them in the terminal.

United CEO should be placed “on leave”

Ah, the designated scapegoat. I’m sure it was all that one officer’s fault and everything else was just as it should be and nothing needs to be changed.

Actually Janet Reno did the exact same thing Sessions just did with the incoming Clinton administration.

I wonder where Trump got a sudden urge to start purging more officials?

Doesn’t matter, some developer is probably furiously at work on hand-recognition software as we speak.

I’m really impressed they’re that savvy and protective of their privacy.

I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.

“Samantha Geimer, Polanski’s victim, has since made amends with the director...”

“I can’t believe that I am still being forced to deal with a rape case that I have never expressed remorse for or faced any consequences from.” - Roman Polanski

They don’t care. They really, really don’t.

Hey! It’s not like there’s a thing about people being free to, like, assemble or whatever in that constitution thingie, right?

The concept of mass arrests, with or without journalists caught in the net, is a terrible practice. You’re just about guaranteed to sweep up innocents.