

Censorship is Unamerican. Free speech is the FIRST amendment right. The remedy for speech you dont like is....

Who? I am a Woman!

Referring to what? I have told you lots of things. Black women can be racist too?

When black women troll you at their own wedding, its pretty obvious how racist they are.

I rage against ignorant racist ideas for the sake of what is good and right in the world.

“People like that” 

White people must be unseen and unheard unless somebody says its ok. If they do speak up, they are “privileged” or worse.

On Day of the Immigrants, the Latino immigrant / migrant community in Los Angeles protested downtown to demonstrate their impact on the economy. While they were waving MEXICAN flags at City Hall, the 405 freeway was empty at 5pm. I was doing 80mph. I thought my mom was right and The Rapture was a real thing. The

I did date a black man and black women tried to shame me AND him for it. Inrage against ignorant racist ideas for rhe sake of what is good and right in the world.

Absolutely. The only times I have experienced racism as an adult and really felt the sting of knowing somebody felt I had the wrong color skin was at the hands of Black Women.


Troll. THERE it is. The universal name you call somebody whose viewpoint you cannot bring yourself to consider.

If white people speak on Black issues, “black people” will tell them its not their place to speak on “black” issues and decry the “whitesplaining” thing. Come on.

Ok she doesnt love white people and she doesnt hate us. Its still a racist idea to separate your feeling for people based on the color of their skin.

You know why the bare silent about Black issues? Because they are not race-focused. Human issues pretty much transcend race. If you let them.

Let me tell you that cops only see Them vs Us and they take me to jail just the same as anybody else as far as I can tell. If youre not getting arrested, you’re not being “ratchet”* enough.

Snappy comeback.

I’m not ignorant. I dont only hang out with people the same color as me. I dont sit here and find flaws with women of other races just for fun. I dont look at people as being Other than me. If somebody makes me feel uncomfortable, its one-on-one. I dont demonize a whole race or entire “type” of people from which I

Black women are the most racist bitches on the planet. God forbid a white woman date a black man woooo. So all the WOC out there who are all self-righteous and indignant about white women wronging you somehow for being happy and you didnt feel like you belonged at a march for ALL women, fuck you, you racist sexist