
Why listen to WoC who are being racist AND sexist towards their own human sisters? Disgusting.

Race race race race race racist race race race race

Youre doing it right now!

Don’t forget white women voted for Trump?

As a Trump supporter, I have to say he totally lost me when he came out against women on the topic of abortion. I checked out on him at that point. I thought he would be more moderate. He has other positions I am leery of as well. However Hillary is someone for whom I could not vote, woman or not.

Seriously? And given all the stars I would say you are not alone in the delusion that DJT will be impeached on the basis of .... something.0

I wasnt uncivil to you at all. You were uncivil to me, talking to me like Im a know nothing kid who lives in my moms basement. i guess inclusivity is only for people who think like you.

YES and he said the reason he does it is because Congress wrote laws encouraging companies to manufacture overseas. He took advantage of the laws because thats what business people do. He said it isnt right, that it shouldnt be that way and he is going to change the laws. He is exiting TPP and renegotiating NAFTA.

I make clothing in Los Angeles. It costs about 20 times as much as making it in China but I am working on getting the cost down. The quality is better and I can supervise the manufacturing process directly. Consumers get excited about Made in USA on the label. It is worth it to be able to say that I am stimulating

Sooooo the women were not of enough color for you and you dont trust them as a result? It wasnt enough conflict and disgust for you?

Your assumption that she is uneducated is pretty bigoted

The reason Trump manufactures over seas is the same reason everybody does: our nations laws allow it and it makes business sense financially.

Since the UN members are mostly third world dictatorships anyway, why belong to this club?

Hillary is leading every poll.

The only extremists you recognize have white skin and are your countrymen. Why is that?

It was a series of tweets from 2010. I guess this is a slooooow “news day” for Hannah.

You need to know that reading these comments and seeing you all squirm and fuss and be angry hateful little fucks is So Satisfying.

Just like that you disregarded the minorities and women nominated to the cabinet. How discriminatory.

If you had a huge loss one year, the tax code would allow you to also spread that loss out against future earnings. I dont see what the big deal is. Change the tax code if you dont like it.or hire a better CPA.

I hope clutching your own pearl chokes u to death