
Just because we are oppressed does not mean that we do not ourselves fall victim to enacting the same unconscious policing, shaming, and erasing. We must return to one another with greater accountability and commitment to the work today.

Do you not see her hocking her book to you? Shameless capitalism.

Yes we know. And we know about Hillary. You should have put up Bernie and rhe money to pay for his plans. Bit you didnt and the DNc and Hikkary are corrupt. So guess what. Business is running shit now. Obama had his chance to help BLM and women and he blew it off for a healthcare legacy that is already gone.

News Bunny? Could you sexually objectify Yourself any more?

I hold the press accountable.

Saying he needs meds demeans people that actually “need meds”. Your liberal needs practice.

You need ro know that federal to local law enforcement and military elected HIM

The media did NOT help TRump. I assure you.

Are you kidding.? The CIA top guns beholden to Obama are exposed and out. The soldiers who wayched Obama gut their every effeolrt voted for Trump.

Weed is not legal for vets. Only pills. You are no activist.

Hahah you have cnnmsnnc anc cbs nba buzzfeed

Germany in 2017 wants ankle monitors on all Muslim Extremists. Get real.

Thats ok. Between the Clintons and Obama, liberal BS is stacked to the 90s.

Impeached based on what. Taking an oath? Having the hottest First Lady ever? What?

Labellimg is anti thetical to liberal thought. Are you Hitlers progeny?

Obama could habe said it while you nodded complicitly. sTFU

You learned this trick from Clintons paltry campaign attendance.

Deal with it. Youre an adult. I was prepared to endure 8 years of the Clinton Foundation record donations. Grow a pair.

Being a liveral reporter means telling the liberal story. Include the fact that it rained and people go to jobs on Friday. Also say that liberals regard namecalling as intellectual exercise.

When JLO taped her titties into that Versace dress, I dont recall you saying fuck all.