

Once I saw Trumps tie too long and scoffed but then again I realized it was so much better than murdering Seth Rich for leaking Podestas emails.

You cant. Smart people who pay taxes voted for Trump.

No. We voted for this shit and smugly peruse these comments, chuckling all the while and waiting to grab some pussy.

I have thin skin. I get pissed off regularly. You obama/clinton poofs ought to redneckognize and quit getting so uppity.


Gucci. More evidence you fucks are dressed by Salvation Army.

Thats because it was made by an American designer for a Republican’s wife. Look, you have a hair growing some place nobody thinks a hair should grow. Worry about that.

Well, the Day of Immigrants produced an empty 405 freeway in Los Angeles, too. I was doing 80 at 5pm. ok we get it; immigrants impact the economy.