Bitch Please, Go Learn Math

Interesting how every discussion of men’s violence against women is me by someone claiming how much women lie. Then, the same (usually) man will ask “Why didn’t she report the rape/assaualt5 right after it happened” “How come she didn’t leave that guy sooner?”

Come on, people. Where would the Science, Space and Technology committee be without the first man to set foot on the moon?

Forget Texas, he’s not even from ‘Merica!

Just wait until they read up on this Ted Cruz fella. Turns out he's not even from Texas!

I know that every time I’m in an incredibly tall building, something in my bones (or probably inner ear) senses it. Does that go away? Do you always feel flighty”

“Bader said she thinks Ozempic should only be prescribed to people with diabetes[.]”

The worst part of that entire article was the picture of her Harajuku Lovers perfume bottles. I was vaguely aware that she was doing fashion and beauty products by leveraging the style and culture of her backup dancers, but had no idea THIS monstrosity was part of it:

Wait, are you claiming that a government agency is interfering with choices a woman is making about her own body? I find that highly unlikely.

I think we’re just some obvious bigotry short of a Republican Point trifecta, as not only is this cruel, but McCarty’s proposed rules package explicitly removes proxy voting [1], for a solid hypocrisy showing.

Everything can swell and change size, shape and even colour when pregnant. My feet became 3 sizes bigger during pregnancy, my pelvis made a clacking noise that other people could hear when I walked (from about 8 weeks to after birth!). My skin also became lighter in some places and darker in others. My lips changed

“Rep. Kat Cammack (R-CO) had randomly accused Democrats on Wednesday of being drunk on the House Floor”

It is beyond any and all of my comprehension why every single time someone in the media mentions Matt Gaetz, it isn’t immediately followed by “who is currently under federal investigation for raping and sex trafficking a child.”

I am poor and live in 15 years in the past, but my local community center’s Zumba classes are still the highlight of my workweek afternoons.

What about specifically aerial yoga? I assumed it was for thin wispy women like so many fun things but the hammocks hold 2000 lbs. Still haven’t been brave enough to try, but the idea of being able to be lifted during yoga sounds so good

I just think of that line from the Key & Peele sketch: “That’s not loco, that’s just financial irresponsible.”

Wait... Jared Leto doesn’t brew hard kombucha???

They could choose McCarthy or any speaker today and there will still be zero governance from a Republican house. Pointing and laughing is a valid reaction. Because these lunatics would be more destructive if they could get their act together.

I have one friend who has a couple of young sons who’s always been very feminist, and she kind of has to get after her friends now about how they talk about men around her kids. Basically, she’s had to be like “I want to raise my sons to not be toxic pieces of shit, so it kind of defeats my efforts if you’re always

Please justify all the superhero movies you watched in 2022. Or how many James Bond movies you’ve sat through? Or Lego movies? I fucking like Barbie and Margot Robbie, ok? Damn. It’s not that complicated.

As a fan of Kaling, I am beyond disappointed they had Bela sleeping with a comic when she didn’t thing her work was strong enough. The first time she used sex because she was insecure with her work (6 handjobs!) you could at least see it tangled in her newfound freedom and sex positive attitude.