Bitch Please, Go Learn Math

I am in the hobby also, I own around 90 games (not including expansions, etc.), including Wingspan. The idea that only games aimed towards men’s interests (which is a bullshit idea in its own right) sell is BS. Looking at the top 5 games on BGG Gloomhaven is a fighting game and TI4 could be considered one, but that

Oh god that movie was so boring and terrible

During the pandemic a group of friends decided to watch every one of Nic Cage’s movies. I missed a couple but can safely say I have seen 90%+ of them. His commitment to even the stupidest movies is impressive. Some of the movies were so bad and not in the good way, but when he was on screen it was always fun.  I have

21 years ago I got a pair of “idiot cord” mittens for Christmas.  I still have them (though the cord has broken a couple times so it is now shorter than before.  I don’t know why they basically don’t exist outside of for kids, it is great

My husband is contemplating getting snipped and honestly, even if he does I think I will continue to use a Mirena because not having periods, dealing with PMS, having to remember tampons, etc. are all such nice side effects that it is worth it to me to use even when getting pregnant isn’t a concern.  However, given

Aww, we considered that fridge when we had to replace ours but there was a sale on a different fridge that didn’t have that (but has a built in auto fill water pitcher, so still fancy?).  

Some people view black as inappropriate as it is a color associated with mourning.  If it were a black tie evening wedding than I think black would normally be fine (most if not all the men would be in black for example), but a daytime wedding?  It is definitely a choice.

What is your goal here? I mean seriously?

How is Lizzo being confident and happy with herself glamorizing obesity? You say you aren’t trying to shame anyone one for being obese, but then turn around and say that someone that is confident and happy with themselves while being fat is glamorizing obesity. You are not helping, you are in fact shaming. Showing

I am really disappointed that Pig did not get a nomination, or Nic Cage for his acting in it. The movie was really amazing, even if the ads tried to imply it was a completely different movie.

I really don’t know how the right things suggesting you can reverse an abortion is a good anti-choice tactic. People are more likely to buy something if they know they can return it, I would assume saying you can reverse something would make some people decide to go forward with it.

I am confused why people are upset about this. While I have always had a pretty robust collection of books I don’t think I have ever organized them in a particular way (outside of textbooks together because they are heavy and need to be on a bottom shelf).  I put books on the shelf where I find space.  Maybe it is

I read this article ages ago and is about one woman’s experience doing just that:

Are you sure you aren’t just bitter about the ex that enjoyed it?  You have added nothing to the conversation outside of calling the movie garbage on repeat.  Not everything needs to be your cup of tea, but you know you can skip the comments section and move on with your life instead of continually trashing something

I read the first one as The room from The Room and I feel like that one also belongs on that list.  I love bad movies, but there are parts of that I will never be able to unsee (the belly button sex scene for one).

I love this response, and it reminded me of a recent episode of 99% invisible where they discuss romance novel covers (I believe it is called The Clinch). If this is something that all interests you, I highly recommend the episode, and even if it doesn’t the show is great and is worth listening to anyways. (who knew I

Additionally, children aren’t allowed to make these decisions for themselves, and so you are wishing death on kids, who may or may not grow up to have the same ideology as their parents (definitely not a sure thing, much to the chagrin of my parents), but even if they do, they should not be punished for the stupidity

I get you on the executive function thing, sometimes it is best to just do what works easiest versus not doing anything (use paper towels vs throwing out all leftovers because cleaning tupperware is too difficult).

Not to defend AirBnB but I have stayed in both plenty and have been robbed twice at hotels.  Both times I was sleeping and someone used knowledge of doors having issues to sneak in and steal cellphones, wallets, etc.  Both were likely committed by hotel employees, given to do it required knowledge of the issues with

If you look at the original storefront it was called water ice. They have begun referring to it in some of their marketing materials as italian ice, but a lot of the times they just refer to it as Rita’s Ice. Here is a picture of the original store: