Hire a fucking skywriter. Rent a Goddamned billboard.
Hire a fucking skywriter. Rent a Goddamned billboard.
According to this quiz, your soulmate is the data farm this website just sent a bunch of your info to.
She’s just tired from traveling back to 1990 all the time to maintain that hairdo.
My ticker can’t take it.
A fellow Lions fan I know said during last football season “half of me hopes the Packers win this game.” So I said to him “I hope that half of you gets herpes and then gives it to your other half when you go fuck yourself.”
I believe the children are our future, and by that I mean we should all give far fewer shits.
Prison pix, plz.
We used to call it "Big Girl" whenever we ate there.
I think we're picking on his clothes because they're horrible...
I mean, I'm just guessing...
Because he's a dumb, ugly fuck and he can't do anything right.
Empire... Broad City... Last Man On Earth... The last thing I needed was another great television show, but I watched like eight episodes of this show straight on Sunday. BRB, moving into the Internet.
Chloe Sevigny is just mad she wasn't able to make socks & sandals happen.
How this dicknose can still find a vagina to stick it in is way, way beyond me.
Replace the dude with a cat and this is the story of my life... err, death.
I wish we could get a picture of his tiny penis and put it on the dollar bill with his social security number and credit card information.
Easy mistake. I heard that Mountain Dew negatively affects sperm count by literally flowing into a man's testicles and drowning all the sperms.
If most jeans makers would remember to include a butt in their pants, we might not have this problem.
Can we just talk about how perfect that couch is? That couch is perfect.