I, for one, find the death rattle of the Patriarchy adorable.
Well, this is no fun.
Nope, in advertising. Drunk-at-work is our natural resting state.
The definition of rape shouldn't be an issues, because access to abortions shouldn't be an issue. End of story.
I'm a little drunk at work, so I'm just gonna say Lindsey Graham and his ilk need to mind their own fucking beeswax where abortion is concerned, and focus on shit that's ACTUALLY killing America, like limited access to healthcare and unlimited access to Crunchwrap Supremes. Not that I wouldn't slap a nun for a…
Really upset this wasn't about the other Jeremy Jordan.
This is such a good thing to hear. Perfectly stated. Thank you.
My current feline is more affectionate and cleanly than most of the dudes I dated in my 20s.
Yeah, certainly marriage helps economically, and with kids it's a huge plus to have two incomes. I guess I'm thinking more socially... Like, women can have jobs and support themselves if they so choose. It's not like I have to be married away to neighboring nobility, or rely on my husband because nobody will hire me…
Sometimes I'm afraid Badger will eat my face if I sleep in too long.
Women are in this weird place where socially & economically we don't really neeeeed to get married, but it's still implied that we're defective if we don't get married. It's a tough place to be. Logically, I know I'd rather be my myself than be married to someone I wasn't bonkers about just for the sake of being…
This makes me wish I could bottle up the comfort I feel in my lumpy, roots-having body and hand it out during pledge week.
I've never felt this close to anyone.
"Your likely another woman who wants to be able to go party and have zero accountability"
I just rolled my eyes so hard they fell out of my head and are currently wheeling around looking for a drive-thru liquor store.
Nooooo. Nope. Not a chance. No way. Nah.
"She could get married and be pregnant tomorrow and I'd wish her nothing but the best..."
Oh, the shit some folks will tell themselves to not feel like they're being taken for fools by a large corporation.