
Noo. I like that song because a) I live in the south and the radio plays it all the time and people who I work with love it but say "that song is great but that video is weird" because gay, and b) I like his voice. (I am a gay ally in a very anti-gay environment so I laugh at these assholes)

Yes, please! Been watching The Wire for the first time recently. He can make Bond cool again. Like, Sean Connery cool. Because Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig are not cool. sorryyyy

me too...


My thoughts exactly! ps nice festive name change. Happy Chanukah!

You do not shit on Pinkham in Pinkham's house. Yes we disagree about some things (diet coke), but you are very rude and uninteresting, whereas the author of this post is just the opposite.

Ross sounds as lame as Ross from Friends. (Nineties burn)

With a name like Barack Ebola, I can smell the sarcasm from miles away (also with my Jewish nose. we're pretty good with sarcasm—every last one of us!)

Hah, I had a server ask whether a filet mignon was a flank steak or a skirt steak. He doesn't work for me anymore.

I know it's not fast food, but please do not even rank any Chili's ever, unless it's on a 'worst of' list. The shit I saw there...

Well...hipsters don't live on the upper west. If he's thinking of shitty people, he may be thinking of the upper east. But yeah, I mean I wear old navy. I'm not cool, or a hipster. They live in Brooklyn and Queens (for now; I'm pretty sure they'll be in staten island and the bronx soon, which fuck you I'm trying to…

Lolly water? No. No.

What's wrong with upper west siders? I used to be one, and I'm the best! And even though I'm poor (cook's wages) I tip like crazy to make up for all those bad tippers out there. Was he using "upper west siders" as code for "Jewish?" Because I'm that too. This guy sucks.

You are my favorite commenter, mostly because you remind me of my best friend who lives in a far-off land called Pittsburgh. Does your name rhyme with sadie prynne?

I love your use of asterisks and parentheses. seriously

I love you. Will you please help me write a television show?

professors. professors and old dudes who work at museums. and charlie skinner.

Sorry, I don't want to be on E! Just Bravo. Call me, Andy Cohen.

See, I have chosen not to know what gamergate is. I've also never known what the fox says. Usually willful ignorance is my biggest peeve, but it's necessary sometimes to stay sane on the internet.

If trying to break the internet isn't aggressive, I don't know what is.'