
WEIRD. That's objectively strange.

Okay, I will make this! Did you melt to gouda into the sauce or put pieces on top and let it melt?

Milk is gross. I've hated it since age 1. I'm on team no milk, except obviously for cooking. Even then, cream is so much better.

I'm iffy on this, but I will say one of the secrets to my famous baked mac and cheese is distributing chunks of cream cheese in the casserole before adding the garlic-parm-ricotta crust and baking. It melts beautifully and keeps the mac and cheese creamy while the crust gets crunchy.

I really wanna make you pizza one day. You have great taste (but I'd spring for the high end mushrooms and saute them before they go on the pizza—trust me). No tomato sauce—mornay!

Where can I get this??

ugh! Do you live in Louisiana? Because they seriously try to add cream cheese to everything there. (I'm mostly talking sushi, but still)

These were my favorite books. In fact, when my parents got divorced I burst into tears because I thought that meant my dad would have to move to California. BSC was my go-to information on divorce.

Since most of us are stuck because of snow, can you please do pt 2 and 3 today? I'm very bored and my housemates are driving me nuts. pleeeeease?

Did you read about the Anne Burrell lawsuit?

I agree. I read both their books and they just...ugh...I want to be them.

Hey, this is perfect! I just quit my job two hours ago. Actually, I gave notice. I told my boss I needed to quit my restaurant managing job in Louisiana to move back to NYC. I thought he'd be mad, but he actually said I have to take care of my life first, and that I did a great job and really made a difference in the


Stop. I'm already hungry. Thinking about the deliciousness of Lebanese food is making me hangry!

This shit drives me up the walls. My first managing job I led a walk out because, after 20 years of operating and being closed on christmas, the owner announced ONE WEEK before Christmas that this year, we'd be open. Now, 100% of the kitchen staff and 80% of FOH were devout Catholics. They were upset, I was indignant


After work (yes, we have to work tonight, because restaurants) we are burning everything that sucked in 2014. Particularly excited to burn the old Chili's uniform. Then, drinking wine. It's been a rough year.

This list was done perfectly. And I say this as someone who has read every one of your posts. Good taste!

I got one of those from my therapist when I was 7!!! (My parents were getting divorced, my mom's a big believer in therapy although I only remember playing candy land with the lady)

Two things can help you with this: