Frequent Wire

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Maybe I’m in the minority, but I think they should’ve taken Fred back to Gilead (after politely informing them Fred turned State’s evidence).  That would’ve been the best revenge.  Instead, they committed what could be an act of war.

I seriously doubt June did any heavy lifting in that scene.  June is an antagonist, manipulator, and instigator.

I’m sure Fred will live on in endless, maddening flashbacks.

As baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and cigarettes!

As apple pie.

Why would the showrunner answer the question? He wants to keep the audience in suspense. Fred was telegraphed early on as being sterile. You don’t go from being sterile to being able to produce children. Serena stepped out. Let’s be real.

Gilead worships itself.  

Uh-huh, sounds like somebody doesn’t have a mind of their own. I mean, do you just regurgitate everything you hear on CNN?

Explain how you think that was rape.

I’ll tell you what I think. Tuello is the father. Fred is sterile, and only Serena, Nick, and June know.  Hence Tuello’s bizarre behavior when June confronted him while he was jogging.

The big problem is that it wasn’t justice.  It was vengeance, which is completely different.  Go ahead and argue the point, but they are different ideas.

I loved when he shrieked.

Terrible season.  Terrible finale.  The first couple of episodes were fair, but it went downhill in a hurry.

Kind of a terrible episode. This was the weakest season thus far. The last three episodes have been absolutely, unforgivably terrible. All padding. All things we know. Nothing revelatory (except possibly for the origin of Serena’s baby).

It’s weird that in the final minutes of the episode, we see the feminine monster, which is not all that dissimilar from the masculine monster. The monster is satiated at the end of a long, lonely night of carnage and mayhem, fingers ripped from hands. This is who we are; not men, not women, but we-humanity. This is

“Women are not destroying other women in Gilead, they’re fighting for a very narrow edge upon which to continue living.”

Did anyone else experience a moment of deja vu during the conversation between Tuello and June?  I know I did.

There is no “Western version of oppressive religious government.”  We’ve proven that.

Wrong. You assume women have no power. That is a sexist assumption that permits the plausibility of Gilead. Women do have power. They’ve always had the power, but they lose that power when they betray each other, or were you not paying attention to the feminist movement?