Frequent Wire

This episode put me to sleep.

Pretty much. It’s amazing how deliberately dense some people can be simply to satisfy their own egos and political affiliations.

“anti-vaccine crap?” Uh no, it’s called “anti-mandate.”

Droning on and on and on ... for 25 minutes does not make for a compelling Super Bowl halftime show. We should use this to torture terrorists!

Again with Beyonce? Puh-leeze. The girl can’t sing.

Yeesh, you guys are true believers.

Let’s see. I fucked up He-Man. How can I fuck up Clerks?

I’ve harped on this before, I know, but there were and are viewers who believe The Handmaid’s Tale represents an analogue of current Western culture; that somehow we’ve gone back to the dark ages, and we’ve brought back female subjugation in a big way. I’d just like to direct my readers to events unfolding in

Sorry.  This episode put me to sleep.

Atwood didn’t just make this stuff up...”

Okay, it doesn’t work because the end result is tyranny, death, and poverty. It doesn’t matter that the same practices have been used over recorded history. What matters is that it never works, because it breeds dissension and revolution.

She went against her bosses at Fox.  Just whose side are you on here?

It just shows that those we deem to be the good are capable of perpetrating as much sadism and violence as those we deem to be the bad. I mean, could you imagine or envision chopping off somebody’s finger (either because that person wronged you or that person violated a tenet)? Either way, it’s bad medicine.

Nope.  Sorry.  Free country and all...

We didn’t get it. Completely unbalanced season. As a producer, you should make every episode as if it’s going to be your last.

Season three was WAY BETTER than the mess this season.

It was kind of sick, and very unsexy.

He did not say, “no,” and, more importantly, he did not resist. Luke is at least twice her size. He could’ve punted her through the nearest window, but he didn’t. Why? You don’t rape a man the same way you would rape a woman. Do you understand? A man uses his hands, his weight. A woman would go about it with other

That’s why churches were the first institutions to be shut down during Covid?  Bullshit.

No.  This person actually believes everything he or she is saying and does watch CNN and MSNBC religiously.