Frequent Wire

When we cut to Serena near the end of the episode in front of her computer, anyone else hoping she slowly took off a pregnancy suit and turn to kiss Mark? That, kids, would’ve been a fucking ending.

I have been hanging on to see how this all ends but only a fraction of the episodes have been close to satisfactory viewing. Many others were boring or even infuriating place holders that made little sense. I was hoping this was the last season. Four more seasons? I’m out.

Also, Lawrence’s “June knows how to make people like her” line made me gag. Who likes June? Janine sure doesn’t, even if she supports her escape, and there are plenty of handmaids who suffered from June’s stupidity (including that grocery store shootout). Mrs. Keys is probably cursing her name from whatever dungeon

The writers of this site are being just as cowardly as Cena.

I hope June doesn’t end up with Nick. I don’t understand the appeal of Nick as a character to June.

Here’s what’s bugging me about the episode. I understand that they needed to smuggle June out, rather than openly extract her. But now that she’s out, couldn’t Canada keep that fact quiet for a few weeks, then have her lie and say that she escaped on her own — thus leaving them able to continue the humanitarian

I’m stealing “Hand Job Tacos” for my taco truck.

Now I want to see a spin off series about someone running a taco truck near the front lines in the war with Gilead.

Sigh... kids, this is what happens when you fail to do any world building.

Boy, the writing on this show is so fucking bad.

It’s not “ chic” to be locked into a mask. The TV show has it right - it is purely an instrument of repression. But I did have to LOL for realz when Moira said the public vigil would be “crowded” considering that people in Toronto are cowering under their beds right now.

Quite a remarkable feat considering this is an extremely June-centric one, with her acting in almost every harrowing scene. As a director, Moss is really into cramped close ups where we can see every contorted facial expression’

Oof, this episode was painfully bad, like some badly written and performed pantomime. And why in the name of all things holy are a federation crew giving teary anecdotes about a mass murdering genocidal fascist despot? I’ve willed this series to be great but it’s just shockingly inept.

1) It’s obviously unBEARABLY dumb that dilithium crystals would, suddenly and for no reason and across staggering galactic distances, all just simultaneously “explodes.” It’s the most nonsensical, childish, non-scientific idea imaginable.

I think whatever his name is, the America official, just at the core of it wants Serena to get hers. He couldn’t before, because she cooperated and exchange for immunity, and perhaps he believed she was a victim of the regime as much as anyone else, or wanted to, but this reminded him that she’s just as much a

Yes, I think the actress, writers, and director did a phenomenal job with her character. Most of the time, mental illness is portrayed extremely stereotypically, and I appreciate that wasn’t the route they went.

Except that there’s no prize to win once you’ve blown it up.

Oh, yeah, definitely a huge theme of this season is how much Gilead just does not function once you scratch the surface.  They will not last.

In the one scene, there were maybe 15 or so crummy looking apples not fit for much more than making pie. One week, it was evident that they were buying any surplus canned food in jars that was brought in. You’re right; Gilead is dying. They can barely feed themselves, everything is rationed (make sure you get some

This could also be true though considering that Canada was willing to go to the negotiating table over this.