Frequent Wire

Because ... why? Is Jordan Peterson emblematic of Gilead? Has he ever said anything (even in vague terms) remotely resembling the support of a concept such as Gilead? What I know of Peterson is that he believes in equality of opportunity and he doesn’t like calling people by their preferred personal pronouns. I don’t

Yeah, seriously, rip off their gas masks. You’ve got them at a disadvantage. We found out with the newest episode that it was Commander Looney’s idea. What kind of an idea is that? Hey, I know what let’s do! Let’s put all the “unwomen” - you like that? It was my idea to call them “unwomen” - heh. So we take all the

You know what I want to see. I want to see rebellions, big and small. Resistance in any form. The built-in obsolescence of Gilead watching shoddy foundations come down under the weight of hypocrisy. I want to see June, and Rita, and Emily, and the rest of the handmaids grow a brain. I want to see the snakes under the

It needs more of a Hogan’s Heroes narrative, like Handmaid’s Heroes, with handmaids passing along information and weapons in the midst of the atrocity.

Also the fact that June’s mom is a raging feminist; unless it’s the child’s natural inclination to defy their parents. I could never accept that Holly would be imprisoned and made to work in the Colonies. How do you create such an environment of hopelessness and despair in five very short years? Holly strikes me as

Have you noticed the forms of execution are getting more and more exotic? It’s the conceit of a television show that the writers have to come up with newer, fresher ways to kill their characters, because they assume the audience will become bored by the same process being utilized over and over. We started with the han

I don’t care that Bruce Miller is a man. It’s a sexist idea to either assume a man can’t get this job done, or that only a woman can. All the best, most vividly drawn and detailed dystopias are created by talented writers (Vonnegut, Huxley, Ellison, Bradbury, Harrison, Matheson, Burgess), not television producers with

I couldn’t have put it better.

Goes to show, arm some idiots with anecdotal information, you’re getting to get to rape inducing labor.

You mean the writers saw no reason to stir to pot. You can slice it any way you want, but these are all contrivances awkwardly constructed by the writers to advance the notion that everybody in Gilead’s either slow in the head (my theory) or gutless wonders.  Seriously, if I were Fred or Serena, I’d be a little

The plot error was the belief of the lie. With so much suspicion pointed at the Waterfords already, this would be even harder to swallow.

June gives the worst advice. She told Hannah to “enjoy life,” and then she tells Eden to “find love wherever she can grab it.” Idiot.

It’s a thematic reference to the time before the Age of Reason and also American slavery forbidding groups of people from reading lest they have knowledge of revolt.  Ironically, one of the books the peasants were forbidden to read was the Bible.

On re-watch, Lydia explains the lie that nobody would buy.

What worries me about Bruce Miller is that he compares the show to the rigors of motherhood (expressed in some sort of twisted analogy). This show is not about motherhood.

Really, the only idea keeping the writers employed is their idea that nobody -particularly women- fights back.  Everybody is scared.  Everybody is afraid to die even in a world of slow death.

You forgot Moira’s dead ex-girlfriend - officially the most pointless and unproductive plot point on the show. Laugh-out-loud moment of the series: that terrible picture of Holly-in-the-Colonies. I wouldn’t mind the Colonies so much. Who the hell would take that picture? What’s the point of taking that picture?

I thought he was over-the-top, just munching on the scenery.

I don’t whine. I just expect writers to do their work. This is a mediocre, misogynist piece of exploitation elevated only by Moss. It could be so much more. It could seriously be one of the great television shows, but the execution is so lacking in depth, in understanding, in potential, in wisdom. It’s That Rape Show.

If Waterford had lived in our Country for any length of time (which I assume he did, I assume he was born here), he would have to look at himself as America would look at him. He would see himself as a terrorist, an enemy of the State, an interloper, an infidel. He would know he did not create our infrastructure. He