Frequent Wire

Just recently read it again. I never found it to be in the story’s favor that Offred is an unreliable narrator. It gives the writer license to ignore their own rules in establishing narrative. Atwood wanted it to be a historical document, but it’s a made-up history. In a made-up history, you’re free to create the most

That’s the second time you’ve used the statement. Who cares? As I said (and apparently have to repeat now) we’re talking four-to-five years; detonated thermonuclear warheads, terrorist attacks, mass murder, guys with machine guns, public executions, genital mutilation, and you think such a flighty, neurotic loose

Who cares? Seriously? At least we know what side of the fence you straddle. Your position seems (you’ll forgive me) Gileadian in your refusal to understand other groups and their subsections. They may call themselves Christian, but they are not Christian.

I see Serena as the violent, schizophrenic by-product of Gilead. She has insanely violent impulses. Have you ever struck an innocent person out of anger for another person? Neither have I. I see Serena as the person who will ultimately slit Commander Fred’s throat. She is the epitome of the righteous female violence

It appears to be a “vocal minority” interpretation of Christians and Christianity. The overwhelming majority of Christians do not use the Bible as their personal justification for ridiculous and/or unacceptable behaviors. The minority who would get the most Press coverage for the very reason that they make the news

Did you believe, in 2008, with the election of a black President that we had entered a post-racial society? Our President believed it. The Media believed it. Our President’s wife believed it. Suddenly, we’re not in a post-racial society. Apparently, the argument changes every eight years, or does it? My point is there

I’ve read and re-read the book several times. It doesn’t make sense. I enjoy the world-building of the show a hell of a lot more than the torture and rape. It doesn’t make sense that within the space of four years, we’re going through the files while fending off attacks by the U.S.A., establishing martial law, and

It’s nonsense that we have people in positions of unimaginable power regardless of race or gender? It must also be nonsense that men and women of all races have abused such power, and that notions of abuse and atrocity do not exist exclusively in the realm of white, heterosexual men.

That implies you can destroy anybody’s reputation within the provisional Gilead government by inventing stories about people to discredit them. I don’t buy it. There’s no way anybody would know June is an adulterer unless it was publicized.

It’s more gratuitous than anything. Fred-O could’ve said he beat Serena. He didn’t actually have to do it. Was Nick there? Was anybody there to take notes on the beating and confirm that Serena was spanked? No. There was no point to the theater for June’s benefit. It’s been established they don’t even believe half of

There is nothing in Ephesians, or any other part of the Bible about viciously spanking a woman’s ass. And if Gilead takes their law from literal interpretations of the Bible, it’s embarrassing to me (as an atheist) that the writers/producers (or Atwood) have never actually read the Bible.

Because of course the terrorist occupying force in your Country has access to everybody’s minds as well as sealed information that they would otherwise shred as they build (in their minds) a new regime.

Gilead is oblivious to the ideas of resistance, yet they carry machine guns around all the time.

We had a black President for eight years. No matter what many like (or desire) to believe, this IS a post-racial world, unless you think racism is organic and will sprout up if it isn’t weeded. If that’s the case, then there is no point to monitoring or measuring history in the context of social change. We’re never

The show is not America. This is a very important point viewers seem to be forgetting. This is the “Republic of Gilead” occupation of America. This is not America, nor would it ever be America.

“... it was nuts to me a state so focused on procreation would kill children of any age especially since they need all the breeders they can get.”

It’s a terribly run oligarchy, obviously. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing most of the time. They’re way too busy spying on each other to spy on suspected terrorists in the resistance.

All babies “born” in television shows and movies are several months older.

The pen is the detonator. Offglen clicks the detonator. Offred clicks the pen. They’re one and the same. With what Offglen accomplished, Offred will also accomplish.

Under his eye.