
I’m always unnerved by his pug eyes. I want to find him attractive but a human having googly eyes makes me look away instinctively. Maybe Princess Beatrice felt the same way and accidentally cut a bitch.

IX is hands down the best FF game to date. VII is good but such a mismatch story. IX was just pure fun with classically defined job roles, leveling up, the ability to learn attributes and hold on to them.

Definitely try it out

I’d have to recommend Stop Skeletons From Fighting

There is a little stuffed dragon on my desk named Pyntie who I’ve had goodness, it’s just about 20 years now. He got his name exactly how you’d think if you’ve played FFIX.

On Topic: Has Uematsu ever composed a track that just hasn’t “cut it” for any of y’all? I’m having a hard time even thinking of a single piece of music the man has made that I haven’t—at the very least—vibed to while playing.

Over the Hill is one of my favourite overworld themes. I remember playing FF9 when it first came out I often looked after my baby nephew and he would just fall asleep on my lap when I entered the overworld.

On Topic: Pretty sure that this was one of the first soundtracks EB Games (I think that was the branding at the time?) ever carried, and I bought it before it even hit the shelf. This was the version. I remember being incredibly happy, too, because it was only $9.99, which was a far cry for what I was paying for

Thank you. Religious imagery and word is used frequently in art and has been for centuries, whether it comes from a worshipful or “sacrilegious” place. If it’s your own religion go right ahead and follow its rules, but they sure as fuck don’t apply to me.

So, on your view, if an evangelical Christian is offended by a song that quotes the Bible out of context, it’s not up to us to question why they are offended, or whether their offense is warranted, or whether we should do anything differently given that they’re offended. We’re just supposed to listen and then adjust

Of course, you can go ahead and *ask* that people not use quotes from Muslim religious texts in their artwork. But artists do not need to accede to this request. And, when artists do quote Muslim religious texts in their artwork, you can complain about it. But the complaint is not one that the artist needs to take

Sorry but religions are only sacred to the believers. To anyone else they’re just fairy tales and it doesn’t matter if they’re Christian, Jewish or Muslim, they’re not owed respect or reverence by anyone outside that faith, nor do non-believers have to follow that religion’s rules.

No serious artist should worry about the theological sensitivities of pearl-clutching religious believers of any faith whatsoever. Avoid denigrating others as a general rule, of course, but a remix of a hadith warrants no more offense than a remix of the Nicene Creed.

He’s somehow counting on his cult of personality being bigger than it is.

The Biden campaign deciding to bet on Texas is a really interesting turn of events and probably says a lot about both the DNC’s own polling as well as their fundraising.

Shit like this is exactly why “cancel culture” isn’t actually a thing. He’s still making money, he’s still in the public eye, he’s going to continue failing upward until he dies.

Let’s give credit to FFXV for one thing. The protagonists are well rounded people that you like to hang around with. They did them well and it was a marked improvement over the cookie cutter “paint by numbers” JRPG protagonists with zero personality throughout the entire FFXIII series.

The issue is that ONLY the four

Gotta be honest: I’m most hype for the change of setting to primarily fantasy rather than sci-fi or modern.

I mean, also hype. Do you remember XV'S ad campaigns leading up to release?

If you want a coherent plot from a final fantasy game you’re going to have a bad time. I’ve loved a lot of them but the last one (that I’ve personally played) that made sense on paper was 6, and that’s still being a little generous.

XII’s story is pretty straightforward, especially for FF