
Yeah but it’s a three hour a week job on the weekends, the labor pool for someone wanting to give up their weekend days for $45 before taxes is probably pretty low 

Right? It’s a holiday about death where people go to parties and drink and dress up. I do far more as an adult for Halloween than I did as a child. Boring people gonna bore I guess. 

What a sad, boring, worldview. 

This guy was playing through the illusion of Gaia in French and it was my asmr for a while 


So what’s the fix for this problem? I’m not protesting in the streets right now due to covid, and reposting straight text info is gonna bore people and they’ll just tune it out, so I’ve taken to occasionally repost respectful memeish pics along with the relevant contact info. So do I just stop? I don’t get what it

I’m crushed that the final fantasy retrospective is cancelled. Damn those were great.

Oh god those would be amazing. 

I mean I play Opera Omnia and I’ve spent some cash, if the game wrapped up the story organically and respectfully I’d be bummed, sure, but I know these games aren’t forever. 

Opera Omnia is kinda fun but I don’t know if it counts as an mmo.

It’s always the dumb ones who have no other skill besides being pedantic that get so chapped about the fluidity of language. 

I get ads for things my husband searches for, I suspect because we’re on the same network at home, but it’s still really weird.

I hate “wenst” more tbh. 


I saw interstellar at a poorly tuned imax and good GOD. It was literally rattling the speakers, I couldn’t hear dialogue. I pretty much stopped going to the theater unless it’s an Alamo, I went to an AMC to see Us and the quiet moments were ruined by whatever was happening next door. 

I was gonna say the only place I don’t hear much bleedover from other movies is the draft house. They’re like the only theater that cares about the experience now.

You know I played it when I was a curious kid and had all the time in the world, and I’ve replayed it so much I don’t even have to think about what to do or where to go, but honestly I bet playing it for the first time now would be a confusing slog in some parts.

Okay I thought I was having a stroke, I reread it like five times and gave up lol

Uh I’m sorry but this is th second time in a few weeks I’ve seen someone argue in favor of someone being sexually inappropriate not being held accountable because of suspected autism. What the FUCK dude. 

“Hey is it cool if I do this?” It’s no one else’s fault you can’t converse like a normal person. And both parties should be asking. The one coming on to their partner is the one who should ask for consent, this isn’t a male female thing