
But, other than Trick or Treat, what about Halloween is exclusively for children?

NIMBYs are the absolute worst people on the planet.

I got a load of “sexy halloween costume” bookmarks that says otherwise.  They are for RESEARCH!!!

¿Por què no los dos?

I think it remains to be seen. This disease is so unpredictable, even though he says he’s fine and all the propaganda coming out of his camp says he’s fine, it still took a little over a month for Herman Cain to die from it. God, think of the amount of conspiracy theory that’ll arise if he dies just before or

I feel you. This perpetual Trump-antics exhaustion combined with the hesitation of hoping that the voters will save us all is wearing me out. Trump being Trump and only knowing how to solve problems through lies, corruption, and gas-lighting is meant to stress us all out, I get that, but the “Mighty defeat of Trump in

“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?

He also had a fresh bandage on the back of his hand, like when you get an IV.

I wonder who she expects will take care of her when she’s too old to do it herself. If she were my sister or auntie I’d say “nah, you’re on your own.”

She is an awful hypocrite and a grifter that projects her own failures into others for money. 

The most horrifying thing I have heard all summer is Trump saying “Fuck.” He’s really ‘bringing nasty back’.

They said the same about his speech in Duluth, where he only talked for 45 minutes, instead of the typical two hours, after his one hour superspreader fundraiser in the Twin Cities. You know he was already positive at that point.

The people attending the events this weekend should prove their loyalty to the Great Racist Pumpkin,by giving him a big tongue kiss.

Even then, provided an election happens, we have to be prepared for him to steal it using the republican states. If they claim irregularities with voting and do not send electorates to vote it apparently doesn’t give a null vote from that state and forces the vote to the senate where they have a GOP majority.

It really is just an irritating habit of SJWs to fuck over their own causes with this sort of bullshit. Incremental change is still change, and the other option is Trump. So why they feel the need to talk any sort of shit about him, especially misleading shit as you pointed out, so close to the election? It boggles

And she was also a drug addict. Which I normally wouldn’t comment about but she uses drug use in the Black community as proof of the failure of black families and of Democratic Party policies.

Can we start placing a content warning on these Trump header pictures? Jesus, I’d rather be surprised by that artist’s rendering of the Babadook.

Guessing he still feels like shit--he was supposed to speak for at least 30 minutes.  Usually you can’t tear him away from those “adoring” crowds.

Reminder that Candace Owens successfully sued her high school with the help of the NAACP for racial discrimination. This is not just cynical race grifting for her. It’s cannibalization of her own people.