
Yeah they might not be the ones that began sexualizing me at ten because I was tall and grew boobs, but there were certainly enough dudes out there willing to be over the top disgusting to a child that I’m side eyeing all these anectdotes. Like I’m speaking from experience, but I also invoke all the women in my life

He didn’t win last time.......... us voting doesn’t change the crooked electoral college results.

Ummmm, two of my mom friends have had that happen from difficult births. I feel like you should retract that weird judgey bit about women causing their own prolapses. Yikes.

You sound young, the nineties weren’t some playboy heyday, and the eighties didn’t condone rape, so wtf is your point here other than showing that you were either completely living in another society during these times or not born.

No no no. I know autistic people, I know nerds and geeks etc, and this is a really shitty way to think. Men can control themselves, and NDGT is a high functioning member of society ffs. I’m not saying hang him or even fire him, but it is supremely not okay to pin this on some suspected social disorder. Yikes.

Mmmm.... I mean I clearly remember being raped twenty years ago. That kind of shit sticks with you, bro.

Jesus Christ, what is your argument even here. Why do you feel like you need to play devils advocate.

It was a two year old. What the hell dude

I just like how I look in makeup... makes my eyes pop and makes my skin look glowy. It’s fun.

Oh the worst story, character design, and least likeable hero are all up there. I mean I got so angry at the story on last playthrough I almost threw my controller. I won’t spoil it but it’s seriously insultingly bad. Worse than the worst manga. The cutscenes and music are pretty and the gameplay is fun, but as a

Hey me too, and when I did finish, it was a shameful non completionist run because I missed some summons and realized it just wasn’t happening. So I game sharked through that fucker to see the ending.

It’s a business and they have to appeal to a wide audience. It looks awesome to me and I haven’t played console games since ps1 so it’s all new and shiny. I always associated final fantasy games with art design so having a prettier combat system totally fits.

Ok. Why did you comment then? 

Mmmm... I was on a Vox video on YouTube the other day and there were men and boys making go back to the kitchen jokes about the woman In the video, soooooo like, maybe you don’t frequent these hives of scum and villainy, but even the ones who aren’t specifically incels are still carrying the torch, so as long as this

The only comment that matters.

I have that mushroom light and it annoys me when it turns blue, the red is soothing but the blue kicks in and it’s like ugh I’m awake now.

Lmao bruh that is not shrooms, and if you’ve honestly seen stuff on them like that, I wouldnt take psychedelics again, since that sounds like an underlying mental issue exacerbated by drugs. Seriously shrooms aren’t good to drive on, but everyone else pointed out that neither are many many legal substances.

Gorsenia, panache and elomi... and I have literally the sexiest most flattering lingerie from elomi as well. Went to my local bra boutique and got measured, then bought all subsequent bras on amazon prime/wardrobe.

How does shit like this get out of the greys, yikes.

They already remade stepford wives and it was terrible