
It’s cool getting SungWon featured here! I’m totally a fan of his comedy first but he seems to have real vocal range so I root for him to get more roles.

I still remember when he saved Prince Horace.

The King Dragon Arc was, for me the pinnacle of his creativity.

Ok, stop skipping my comment, it took me a lot of effort to come up with it

Seriously, stop it


To this day, we will never have a proper conclusion to the saga of King Dragon.

it helps that he is also genuinely hilarious and clever.

My secret shame: I like his “Trying X Kinds of Y” videos the best. It’s just fun watching him rip apart every Little Debbie’s product he can lay hands on.

I absolutely love him! The fact that he basically made a name for himself through hard work and sticking to what he does best really gives me hope that other potential VO-hopefuls can do the same.

Now playing

I’m looking forward to FF16 (still can’t believe that’s real already), as much as anybody, but a while back ProZD helped us finally confirm, with the help of Hironobu Sakaguchi, the real truth about Final Fantasy.

His Kingdom Hearts video defines that series for me. The way he menacingly holds up his Honda key.

Heretic. Refrigerator-senpai is a murderer.

Dude is awesome, I’ve been subscribed to his YouTube channel forever now (his skits are hilarious), and I spot his voice popping up in various places all the time.

I just wish he would make more of those short skits. It’s been months since the last one.

I need to understand why King Dragon kidnapped Prince Horace.

Needs more Refrigerator Senpai.

LOVE him. Started following him as soon as Vine died. If you want a great time, just go to his channel feast on his skits. They’re all pretty much less than 1:30 and spot on. Here’s a random one which is good.

This asshole again?

Well, you certainly couldn’t wait to “disprove” the premise of the article, before you actually thoroughly read and analyzed the paper with your clearly unbiased and educated mind. I’m sure everyone here who is not in the grays will be eager to hear how racism is not a major systematic problem in the US legal system.

You sound like the idiots arguing the civil war was about states rights, while ignoring that it was the state’s right to be racist. POC are more likely to get the criminal history to start and higher severity at every level of the investigation/charging/sentencing, which trickles through all those other criminal

It’s not that it’s news, it’s that someone took the time to actually research it and prove it to be true.

I admit I played this—skipping over all “story” content, so I honestly didn’t know what it was “about until these articles came up. I figued Umbra was Cobra more or less. The title does remind me of the two Brazilian movies about paramilitary excess and violence...