
Yeah trying to make the Hulk’s pants realistic is ridiculous anyways, pretty obvious his pants would just rip right off in reality.

If you believe the internet, though, this game’s biggest problem isn’t the boring, stale repetitive gameplay or Marvel characters with zero charisma. No, it’s the fact that there is a character exclusive to a console!

im really trying to give this a shot, but everything about the approach and aesthetic design turns me off or bores me. its werid, on paper this sounds like something i would pick up in a hurry, but in practice and seeing so many menus with color coded loot, my eyes glaze over. the uninteresting looking combat doesnt

Is it me or is Hulk with his belt undone just seem weird.   Like I get that “realistically” Bruce would need to undo his belt to stretch into the Hulk but it he just ends up looking like a drunk frat bro with a tummy ache, undoing his belt before he pukes.  Either that or he looks like he is getting ready for loving

Only Gene, and he’s dead.

Yes. Very good. Especially if you sautee them low and slow so to bring out their sweet, nutty flavor. Or, dust them in seasoned flour and fry ‘em up all crispy.

Same. Those veneers are too perfect.

FFXI is an enigma. I’ve been playing it off and on since the PC launch and it somehow still costs a monthly subscription! I’d say it isn’t worth it, but that world and the storylines are still so godly and killer.

All I’m seeing is the header image guy’s freakishly white teeth. Like that episode of Friends.

That’s the “new” FFXIV, the one that they had to completely redo and cater to all play-types just to get people to play it and not write it off as a complete loss. Can you say the same for the original launch of FFXIV?

I would agree, except FF14 exists. You can solo 80% of the game (the other 20% being dungeons/raids). Also, in the most recent expansion, they let you recruit and take NPCs in dungeons instead of using matchmaking by way of the “Trust System” further going back to playing solo.

Maybe it’s changed since I played last, but that game was NOT friendly to new players. I don’t mean the Community to be clear, for whatever reason both FF11 and FF14 have 100% the best, most inclusive and welcoming communities I’ve seen in ANY online game.

Final Fantasy XI may be showing its age in many respects but it is still so, so solid. And much more accessible nowadays than back in the day. Last I played was around the time of Rhapsodies of Vanadiel’s release and it was a great ending. The fact that it’s still going strong after its “ending” is a testament to this

All I take away from this is cheese gyuudon is tasty.

These babies are acting like people are asking them to wear a brick wall on their face. 

You’re not breathing your own CO² you jaja ding dong.

At this point wearing a mask is less of a safety precaution as it is an IQ test.

I mean you’re only risking your fucking life, or the quality of your fucking health if you manage to survive.

It’s so fucking easy to put fabric on your face, and you’re such a child that you’d rather be a twat about it?

I know you enjoy this, but smart people see you and they dislike you.