
You know the actual NFL team changed their name, right? This has nothing to do with EA.

Yet here you are, on an EA article. Weird. 

I’m equally confounded by my church friends that refuse to wear masks - some for religious regions.  As Christians we’re supposed to care for others and treat them how we want to be treated but I guess that doesn’t apply to wearing a mask in public to protect others.  

When will I ever learn? :(

The problem is that Americans as a whole have a weird obsession with hiding behind the notion of “freedom.” They think that it means they can interpret that however they want regardless of whether it’s true or not. But in the case of this it’s only when things are inconvenient to them.

So many of us have been conditioned since birth to believe in things that cannot be seen, rather than to critically think about things that can be.

I thought I had lost all faith in the wisdom of the American people. Then I was actually surprised Republicans were so stupid as to nominate Trump. So THEN I thought I had lost all faith in the wisdom of the American people. Then COVID came along and I was actually surprised that it was politicized.

If it’s any consolation, that guy lost his job.

And all lives matter. Until they’re expected to treat all lives like they actually matter.

“Being an RN doesn’t even mean you’re smart or compassionate.”

I’m Facebook friends with Rebecca. She’s a libertarian. I report her to FB a lot, but that does nothing. Anyway, I read her feed to learn what the thought process is.

There are an alarming number of nurses who go into the field just because compared to other choices, it pays them okay, not because they have an inherent desire to care for people. And of those, many just scrape through. There’s no implicit assurance of broad intelligence. I understand that at this time we’re all here

One thing I noticed while we were dating is my now wife, who is an RN and is very intelligent, that in her profession, they dont have time to fart around on the computer to read the news during the day and on their off days, they are just happy to be out of the hospital. I help to keep her informed on many things that

Social Media in particular. Nothing like giving the equivalent to a nuclear powered megaphone and a handy directory of shitheads with agendas to fuel your moronic tendencies.

Fuck Zuckerdick and his goddamn ‘basket of oily rags and book of matches’ making machine in particular though. The massacres in Myanmar is gonna

Facebook in particular. 

I work in a medical office as clinical staff and I sometimes just can’t believe the conspiracy theories being thrown around the break room by the nursing staff

Something that has been honestly shocking is seeing the many social media videos of people angrily rejecting the mere requirement of masks. And while it isn’t in anyway just a US thing, see the tragic France bus driver incident, there is this weird undertone when it comes to the US videos of this outrage that not only

I’m feeling the Covid-fatigue. Not from having it, mind you, but from hearing about all of these reckless people who have willingly endangered lives even though there are plenty of examples of how NOT to do that.

This is very sad. I worked in the medical field...Her being an RN doesn't mean she is immune to getting sucked into conspiracy theories. Being an RN doesn't even mean you're smart or compassionate.