
Wish I had gotten in on this before I ruined my credit. If we’re writing off things 18 year olds do, I’d have had good enough credit to buy a house before the bubble burst. 

Wait, I’m sorry, you can just start claiming anyone’s kids are yours and destroying their lives? Wow honestly, I hope something shitty like this happens to you involving a legal misunderstanding. You sound like a complete asshole.

No it hasnt. Please cite sources refuting it, because my googling says that it’s true, and the context is very clear.

I mean my signature is the first letter of my name and my husband’s is all print with a backwards letter (fr on his liscence and everything) . Your signature can be whatever, cursive is a relic than can be taught the same way we teach Roman numerals for like a week during elementary school.

There’s no reason a job like this needs to collect this data, bad precedent to set, 

I don’t get why this is creepy? Helps me sleep and relax when I have anxiety. 

I mean I love those videos and I’m not getting sexual gratification at all....

Let’s get some screen shots or names here, otherwise I assume you’re one of the butthurt influencers 

One of the things that really brings the world together is that those people exist everywhere and of all ages. It’s almost as heartwarming as it is disheartening. 

That’s too much touching for anyone in the workplace, yikes

What is the point of this comment? Make of that what you will. Jk I get the point, I just want to call out your vague attempt at sealioning.

I’ve been in two Ubers, neither spoke much English. The little Japanese girl who could barely see over the dashboard stopped at a red light in the middle of the intersection, then when we pointed that out, she began to back up and almost hit a line of pedestrians in the crosswalk behind us. The Russian guy just didn’t

sHe COuLd jUsT qUiT

Oh are we pretending an electoral college win is fair and square lmao fuck off with this outdated meme and idea. We need a revolution if these conservative crooks steal another gerrymandered election against the popular vote.

I was wondering where all the snarky privilege was coming from, but I see I’ve accidentally wandered over to Gizmodo, so of course a bunch of mouth breathing white boys gotta give their opinion. Get some perspective you dumb shit.

Yeah, why don’t those idiots just rely on their trust funds until a better job comes along.

Um we are paying that much, not anyone’s fault but the higher ups that decided they needed to be paid and bonuses at 1000x their employees,

Lol what the fuck? She literally won the popular vote. You’re a mess bro.

Lol the middle class didn’t stay in their lane, how old are you??? Keeping up with the Jones’s is an expression as old as my grandmother lmao

How can a generation whose oldest are just now old enough to get loans be proving to be more responsible?