
Not sure, not fucking worried about someone like this being comforted by society. He can go sweep floors somewhere at night. He’s not deigned from on high to a comedian forever. 

You’re mad that the free website you’re reading doesn’t have editors? 

Yikes what a mess of a dissertation. 

Ok then he can get a different job. He’s not entitled to be a famous comedian.

Hire more people and don’t be on a skeleton crew. Mental health days are necessary. Every job I’ve had since 2008 has been understaffed and overworked, and begrudging someone earned time off is shitty. 

I feel the same way, I’m doing everything, I’ve done marches, it doesn’t do shit. If trump wins again it’s time for pitchforks. 

Ugh okay no, if you’re with someone and they love that sort of thing, great, do a gesture, but don’t do it as your prelude to a relationship, get to know the person, then do something. Maybe the people who enjoy playing coy and like to chase and be chased can grow up and start a fetish site so the rest of us can just

Stop dating girls and date women. Yikes. 

I’d rather be embarrassed by ghosting someone or lying to get away safely than shot for rejecting a prom date. I mean come on.

Yeah the thing is a third or so of you all are time bombs, ready to explode at rejection. Maybe read the comments from women in this very comment section, above and below your opinion, about how we have almost all had rejection turn into abuse or violence. We have no way of knowing which dude in the bar is going to

You mean you picked up more chicks when you were younger? Yeahhhhhh that probably has nothing to do with you mellowing out.

Ok but we don’t need the guy specializing in designing phones telling climate specialists their data isn’t really accurate and their studies are wrong.

We don’t shower six times a day, and I bet your balls aren’t fresh as a daisy if you haven’t showered recently. I don’t use powder because I don’t have an issue generally with too much sweat in that area, but I at least understand this isn’t something women have control over, and can assure you if women had more say

Why? He didn’t hate kids, he had a shit childhood. I related hard when I was a kid, maybe you just didn’t have the elementary school angst needed to get it.

It’s nothing like the book, and I was crushed when my favorite book became a corny cartoony kid movie. Devito is a treasure, but that movie had room for improvement. 

And don’t tell me about how osha is supposed to step in lol, read up on the factory conditions at the Tyson chicken plant and why major accidents go unreported and horrific injuries unclaimed because of fear of losing their jobs. I don’t even get all this fake ass pearl clutching. I’ve never been so disappointed to

Every comment in here “I’m not judgemental, but here’s me judging.” Y’all concerned for this woman, but let’s hear it for the women forced to work on their feet, forced to lift and move in unsafe ways, who get their hours cut or conveniently laid off while pregnant.

So be mad that those girls can’t get help, not that someone else chooses to fuck for a living.

Hi, I just got the flu shot last week. Spent four days with a swollen sore arm, a mild fever, and feeling exhausted. I used to make the same comments, but this one knocked me on my ass so hard I was grateful that my time off corresponded with my worst days. I did not catch a cold.

Yeah see seatbelt laws exist so we don’t have to pay for the road clean up.