
If she cared about the party she would step back, endorse someone else, and then be there to help them. 

The only time I went to one it had a confusing entrance and hidden theft alarms, so I thought I was traveling from one section to another, but I ended up in the front walkthrough, setting alarms off, THEN BACKED INTO A MANNEQUIN, KNOCKING OVER A ROTATING DISPLAY. I was also a chubby teen girl and already feeling out

I’m sympathetic because I’ve lived in Massachusetts, but I just wantsympathetic because I’ve lived in Massachusetts, but I just wanna say that you’re kind of fucked either way, so it’s kind of shitty to fuck the rest of the country. It shouldn’t be dark at 5:30 PM in Texas

Please don’t act like you’ve never heard someone say “thank you! Next?!” At like the dmv or something? It’s a pretty common colloquiallism and not something new. This comment reminds me of people my age chiding “kids today” for using bread as a slang for money, that shits been around since the 70s too.

Before my father in law died from falling asleep at the wheel because he didn’t trust women drivers, yet stubbornly refused to change his dialysis time to anytime that wasn’t 4am (we think he had a crush on the night nurse ...because there’s nothing more fun for her than dealing with a handsy decrepit old man who

I waited two hours in Austin, Beto showed up. No one dropped out of line even with the insane wait. It was heartening.

Voting has been in session for a few hours, please chill on spreading this pessimism.

No, I am not involved directly, that’s between the owners and the lawyers at this point, and I’m not going to jeopardize anything.

Wow I finally have a contribution!

So aunt Tom, then? It’s a reference, it has to actually be recognizable 

Why are you out of the greys. God the AV Club is trash since it moved.

Wow you're missing the entire joke of the Mindy episode. 

I didn’t, because my family was shitty and didn’t teach me any better. Now I’m an upstanding citizen, no sarcasm. Manning dumb decisions and stealing candy in elementary school is not an offense that warrants any physical violence, let alone one that could easily have been deadly 

Sounds like a great learning environment that children will thrive in. And restrictioning entrances will surely not cause a problem in a fire.

He always deserves to pay real taxes and give back to the country that fostered his ability to be successful

Meeting as a fully fleshed out adult is totally different. 

What woman is failing in this story?

I had sweetbreads for the first time a few years ago, I never thought pancreas would be so delicious lol 

It may have been a change in intestinal flora and metabolism. Why are you  assuming it’s not the meat?

Lol from the future