Calm down, Kanye
Calm down, Kanye
Nonot only is it a common European practice, I’ve worked at doctors office is where everyone is off when the doctor goes on vacation.
Why are you like this?
So you’re a dude. Stop telling women not to worry. Shut the fuck up and listen. We don’t need your advice on how the law USED to work, like we haven’t reached wild west levels of lawlessness already.
I’m not asking to be an asshole, but just for statistics. Are you a woman?
I got accused of drug seeking when I was pissing blood and passing a kidney stone. Fuck you.
Is it jezebel because it’s about a woman? I’m unclear on what the joke is here
I bet you pay artists in exposure too lol
Where did she say that? What’s the time stamp?
Aka make your own party up, dbag, because you acting like you just want to save money on your health insurance doesn’t excuse you supporting institutionalized racism, sexism, and anti gay agenda. God the fact that you got a mea culpa from Rosin puts you both in the same shitty category. It’s not okay to vote with…
Then vote for the smaller government party not the one that doesn’t believe in equal rights jfc
Why are you out of the greys?
They used to lock us up at Old Navy until the store was clean and they searched your purse. It was demeaning.
Three hours a night, one of which is blowing off work steam , one of which is cooking, thirty minutes of eating, twenty minutes of him making potions and pre gaming before meeting his friends for a raid. I can’t imagine that life every night, that sounds soul crushing.
Are you kidding? Wow how are you married. I bet your wife resents the hell out of you behind your back lol
My husband games too, (i play occasionally, like monthly) he can go a few days without doing his daily quests so we can go camping or skip a raid so we can have a nice night out ffs. I’ve known a fuck ton of gamer couples, and so many of them follow this exact scenario. I know two women who have children to raise and…
What he did may not have been illegal, but it’s horrible and immoral, so yeah actually let’s rag on him about that.
You definitely don’t give someone a pass on following a shitty law, if they are the ones that lobbied to pass that shitty law.
Bro there are comments up and down this thread saying that we experience this in all stages of dress. How about thou be a good ally, sit down, shut the fuck up, and LISTEN TO WOMEN
Oh honey. They have prisoners do that for free, why would they pay someone to do that?