
There's a happy medium. You don't have to check out of the world entirely. You can keep one eye on culture easily. My husband will be 50 next year and still introduces me to new cultural touchstones. I'm not talking about peppering your vocabulary with slang or trying to act like a teenager, I'm talking about proudly

This comment section is depressing. No one is saying you have to keep up with teenage slang, but everyone pretending not to know these words is cringe inducing. This is as bad as people taking pride in knowing nothing about any other pop culture. I can understand a new-ish term like on fleek, but people here are

LOLOL Rhonda is a bitch and no one cares what she's implying.

IO Lamb ranch, verde pastures chickens, I can't remember the beef supplier I use offhand, but I buy it at the Wheatsville co-op, and they source humanely. I have an entire list somewhere, but unless you live in central Texas it probably won't matter.

I was jogging once and when I stopped at a intersection, a motorcycle stopped at the same light. I could smell his axe spray from the road. I can't imagine being trapped in an elevator with someone coated in that crap.

I worked at a vet in the hippiest part of Austin, I had a family bring their dog in for a check up, but refused all vaccinations. The doctor finally convinced him to at least do the rabies, after explaining that the only way to test for rabies is to decapitate the dog and test the brain, and that if there was even

Don't buy from factory farms then. That's on you for supporting those monsters. If people can cut their meat consumption, it's perfectly affordable to eat decently raised meat.

I eat meat that comes from fucking local farms, several that I have visited. None of these animals are sitting in feces or skinned alive and left to die. Go fuck yourself and that garbage argument. You can kill humanely, it doesn't have to be a life of squalor and a torturous death.

I agree. I didn't want to pile on in that thread, but she is an embarrassment. The way she treats up and coming artists, calling Lady Gaga "reductive" when Madonna spent her entire career being just as reductive. I've never been into her thin, terrible voice, her over-choreographed white lady dancing. I have never

Yes. I'm the stupid one in this scenario. Clearly.

Yes. There were murders mentioned in the article. I know reading is hard, and it's easier to talk out of your ass.

THEY WERE THREATENING TO RAPE AND MURDER HER. Are you kidding?? The point of posting that report was to show that the police didn't take it seriously enough to record the incident as it happened, but to instead frame it as if this were just a pizza prank. You obviously did not read the article accompanying the picture

We also think it's ridiculous, but we have no way of knowing how it's going to go, so better safe than sorry. Canvass the women in your life, I'm sure they have stories of rejection gone badly/violently. It happens, a lot.

My father abused my autistic brother and I and tortured our dog when we were little. When my mom talks about her divorce she's actually emphasized that she left because she was tired of him. Bragging to family friends that "he never hit me, I wouldn't have put up with that". Some people are just goddamn monsters and

You're insulting all of my friends who have military careers by insinuating that this guy's mindset represents all soldiers.

If they say no, they're fired, end of story. Fuck that mollycoddle bullshit.

That's fun, and you're lucky to have a job like that. Good for you.

Well, I don't really think of it as a punishment, I think of it as common sense. I was a wild kid, I have no problem with partying on your own, but I was never in any organizations that were representative of a university. I just would think that with shifting attitudes about rape culture and what's expected of young

Well underage drinking and rape aren't in the bounds of the law. The sororities are already dry, so it's not like there's no precedent. It seems like just in the interest of self-preservation they would want that.