
That's why I'm saying. It's not like the ones old enough to legally drink can't go to a bar. Everytime I complain about the Greek system, people get in my face about all the charity work and good they do in the community. I don't see how keg parties are a necessary part.

For a feminist blog, there's a lot of weird energy in this headline. I think this information could have been presented more tactfully, or without the bitchy overtones. I'm sure I'm banned for saying this, but this is gross.

I rudely called out a friend of a friend posting an ad on Facebook trying to sell one of those dinosaur tv's for $500 in 2014. Rednecks seem to have this idea that everything appreciates in value with time.

All the start ups and Google offer it, stop drinking the koolaid, it obviously is quite possible.

I need the two of them to have a Sonny and Cher style variety show.

I imagine her as a pilled up housewife, too doped up on mother's little helpers to know where she is. She probably got the ambien munchies and sleep-cooked those brownies.

Mom, how did you get to Gawker? You sound like you're already on your second bottle of barefoot.

Yeahhh, no, that's definitely actually how most companies are.

What universe do you live in where everyone is passionate about their freaking job? How many people do you know that are living that? That's just not how the world works.

You realize some of the readers on this site were like 5 when those elections happened? That was 15 years ago. Also, screw you, I voted for Nader too, and fuck anyone who gets an attitude about voting for the person you genuinely want to win, that's not what democracy is. If you're as old as I assume you are, you are

Oooookay Ari, calm down bby.

Gotta love a middle aged balding fat guy with a "no fatties" on his profile.

Seriously. This is just dumb.

I started getting those based on people I had corresponded about employment with, and NOT through Facebook. Insane.

What detective work? I clearly remember that episode, and I knew exactly what it was referring to. There had already been allegations at that point.

Hannibal Burress worked on 30 Rock.

Since I haven't seen anyone else mention it: Hannibal Burress worked on 30 Rock. I don't know why the idea that this joke is on target is so far fetched, I definitely don't know why someone who never watched the show would have anything to say on the subject.

Please tell my still grieving mother that my little brother wasn't worth saving. Look my dad in the eye and tell him this research is a waste of time. Fuck you, I genuinely hope someone you love becomes an addict, because I can't imagine you being able to empathize otherwise.

Trying addictive substances is the choice, not the addiction itself.