
Or. Or. Hear me out here. You are all ex-smokers and can't smell shit. Just a thought.

Don't be that guy. God. You know goddamn well most cheap vapes smell like crappy blunts - the weed or fruity air fresheners. I don't want my hair to smell like cherries or whatever when I get off the train. If you can't smoke somewhere you shouldn't be vaping there, end of story.

I have personally seen it many times on the bus and the train.

Yeah but I've been on the train and the bus and seen folks vaping. I got in argument in a comments section once saying I didn't want to smell like a cheap cherry blunt when I got off transit, and people were jumping down my throat saying "WHY DONT YOU OUTLAW FARTING IF YOU DONT LIKE BAD SMELLS".

Naw dude, the first comment I replied to from you was saying that statutory rape isn't real. So I'm not sure what else there is to say here. Have a good day.

You think that at 15 that wouldn't fuck you up even more, though? Because I'm pretty sure she was his first sexual encounter. Anyway, I told everyone else, this isn't my story to tell, I don't want to keep talking about this poor guy.

He trusted her and he came from a home that didn't offer him support. Anyway, you're creeping me out with your defense here, I don't want to tell tales about a friend anymore, it's not even really my story to share.

First off, if this makes any difference (and it really shouldnt) she was not a pretty cheerleader. Secondly, who gives a fuck why he was depressed?? I'm not his shrink, I don't know, I just know that he came from a fucked up home, trusted this woman who basically lured outcasts students in with pot and sex, and then

One of my good friends got a teacher pregnant in high school. She lied about the father (it was obvious to anyone whose it was, I can't get into specifics, but there were some very telling physical clues). She moved away and took his kid, and it broke him. He was fucked up for so long, and still suffers from terrible

It took my husband a year and a half to get diagnosed with a horrible allergy. He was having so many different symptoms, and they just kept treating one at a time. When his skin finally started FALLING OFF they sent him to a dermatologist who was kind of holistic, they figured out what he was allergic to and all of